The Influence of Insular Geographical Isolation on Population Genetic Structure of Camellia japonica STUDY ON PHYTOTOMIC CHARACTERISTIC AND CORRELATION BETWEEN IT AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIOLOGIC INDEX IN LEAVES OFFIVE SPECIES FROM CAMELLIA Differential Gene Expression of Endogenous Glycosidases Induced by Pathogenic Fungi Infection in Leaves of Camellia sinensis Polymorphism of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of rDNA in Camellia——an Escape from Concerted Evolution Relationship Between Volatile Constituents and β-glucosidase of Different Tea Varieties Intragenomic Polymorphism of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of Ribosomal DNA in Camellia hongkongensis (Theaceae) and Species Identification Effect of Shade Treatment in Summer on the Expression of Genes Related to Theanine Biosynthesis in Tea Plants(Camellia sinensis) Effect of Long-term Storage on Ac id Va lue and Perox ideVa lue of O il2tea Camellia Seed O il Evaluation of the controlling Pomacea canaliculata with calcium oxide, ammonium bicarbonate, Camellia oleifera powder and tea saponin Study of High Y ield Cultiva tion Technolog ies of O il-TeaCamellia ( Cam e llia ole ife ra ) ———Formula te Fertiliza tion Study of Fruit Growing Specialties and Its Oil Content in Oil-Tea Camellia Studies on Selecting and Breeding of High Linoleic Acid Content and High Oil Yield Oiltea Camellia Clones Induced Resistance to Anthracnose of Camelia oleifera by Salicylic Acid PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF SODIUM BISULFITE ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC APPARATUS OF CAMELLIA OLEIFERA BIOMASS ACCUMULATION AND NUTRIENT CYCLE IN OILTEA CAMELLIA PLANTATIONS CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF "ECOLOGICAL TEA" FROM YUNNAN SECT. CYLINDRICA, ONE NEW SECTION OF GENUS CAMELLIA (THEACEAE) SOMATIC MEIOSIS OF ANTHER CALLUS CULTURE IN CAMELLIA PETELOTII A STUDY OF MEIOSIS OF 9 SPECIES IN GENUS CAMELLIA ON TAXONOMIC PROBLEMS OF SECT. ARCHECA- MELLIA SEALY AND SECT. CHRYSANTHA CHANG IN THE GENUS CAMELLIA THREE NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS CAMELLIA FROM YUNNAN THE UTILIZATION AND PROSPECT OF GERMPLASM RESOURCES IN THE GENUS CAMELLIA REPORT ON THE CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF SOME SPECIES OF CAMELLIA IN CHINA AN EASY TECHNIQUE T0 ISOLATE TRUE F1 HYBRIDS FROM THE SEEDLING POOLS OBTAINED FROM ARTIFICIAL CROSS-POLLINATION DIRECTLY INV0LVED YELLOW-FLOWERED CAMELLIA CHRYSANTHA INVTIGATION OFTHE SEXUAL PROCESS IN INTERSECIFIC CROSSES BETWEEN CAMELLIA PITARDII PITARDII VAR. YUNNANENSIS AND C.CHRYSANTHA SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AN DPLANTLETS FROMATION IN COTYLEDON CULTURE OF CAMELLIA CHRYSANTHA TWO NEW TAXA 0F CAMELLIA SECT.CHRYSANTHA (THEACEAE) FROM GUANGXI Chemical constituents in roots of Camellia oleifera Cloning and Expression Analysis of GA2ox1 Gene from Camellia lipoensis Study on Self-compatibility of Camellia oleifera Clones Screening, Identification and Security Test of Camellia oleifera Rhizosphere Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria Flowering Phenology of Camellia chekiangoleosa Clone in Low Altitude Area Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Healing of the Nurse Seed Grafted Unions of Camellia oleifera Biological Characteristics of Casmara patrona(Lepidoptera:Oecophoridae) Variation of Physicochemical Properties and Nutritional Components of Oil-tea Camellia Seeds during Riping Genetic Relationships among Species from Camellia Sect. Chrysantha Chang Revealed by ISSR Analysis Analysis of Genetic Difference and Relationship of Camellia meiocarpa Native Varieties by Morphology and AFLP Markers Changes in Absorption and Accumulation of Copper, Zinc, Iron in Camellia oleifera Isolation and Expression Profiles of NAC Transcription Factor Genes under Temperature Stress in Camellia sinensis Genetic Diversity Analysis of Endangered Plant Camellia pubipetala Detected by ISSR Adaptability of Seven Camellia japonica Cultivars in the Mount Wutong National Park in Shenzhen Effects of Partial Leaf Area Reduction on Yield and Quality of Camellia oleifera Models for Determining Oil Contents in Camellia oleifera Seeds by Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Camellia meiocarpa Genetic Diversity Based on SRAP Markers An Elite Variety of Oiltea: Camellia oleifera ‘Huaxin’ Roles of Salicylic Acid in Inducing Resistance of Camellia to the Gray Spot and the Biochemical Responses An Elite Variety:Camellia oleifera ‘Huajin’ An Elite Variety: Camellia oleifera ‘Huashuo’ Caffeine in Plants:From Biosynthesis Pathway to Genetically Modified Caffeine in Plants:From Biosynthesis Pathway to Genetically Modified The Genetic Diversity of Tea Germplasms [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] by RAPD Analysis The role of native bees on the reproductive success of Camellia oleifera in Hunan Province, Central South China Genetic differentiation and the characteristics of uptake and accumulation of lead among Camellia sinensis populations under different background lead concentrations of soils in Yunnan,China Analysis of Camellia rosthorniana populations fecundity Cloning, Expression and Functional Analysis of CaAPX Gene from Camellia azalea Effects of Potassium Levels on Fruit Characters and Yields of Camellia oleifera Leaves DNA Extraction and RAPD Amplification of Camellia japonica L. Analysis of Aroma Constituents of Camellia Variety Kramer‘s Supreme Influences of Low Temperature Stress on Camellia Species‘ Two Physiological Index Related to Resistance to Coldness An Elite Variety of Camellia sinensis ‘Jinming 1‘ Screening of Metarhizium anisopliae Strain with High Virulence against Larvae of Curculio chinensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Irrigation on the Growth of Spring-shoots in Mature stands of Camellia oleifera Spatial Distribution Patterns and the Environmental Interpretations of Basilepta melanopus (Coleoptera:Eumolpidae) adults in Camellia oleifera Young Forests Gene Analysis of α-Linolenic Acid Metabolism of Camellia oleifera Seeds Based on RNA-Seq Five Elite Varieties of Camellia oleifera Soil,Water and Nutrient Loss in Young Plantation of the Inter-Cropped Tea Oil (Camellia oleifera) with Different Crops Distribution and Characteristics of Colletotrichum an Endophyte in Tea Plants Camellia sinensis) Cloning and Expression of Two MYB Transcription Factors in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Correlation between Damage of Curculio chinensis and Fruit Traits of Camellia meiocarpa Effects of Soil Moisture on Fruit Growth of Camellia oleifera Anatomical Characteristics of Self-Incompatibility in Camellia oleifera Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Neutral/alkaline Invertase Gene (CsINV10) in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze) Dynamic distributes of endophytic fungi from Camellia sinensis Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics between an endangered species Camellia pubipetala and its widespread congener C. sinensis Physiological response of water stress of Guizhouendemic plant Camellia delicate Potential mechanism of Camellia chrysantha seeds induced apoptosis in human cervical cancer HelaS3 cells Leaf epidermal morphology of ser. Chrysantha(Camellia, sect. Chrysantha) Morphology and anatomy of organogenesis from tissue culture plantlets of Camellia oleifera Study on population genetic diversity of Camellia japonica in 5 islands between China and Japan Chemical constituents from the flowers of Camellia chrysantha