Abstract:Based on extensive collecting the ectomycorrhizal fungi from the subalpine coniferous forest region, N. W. Yunnan are reported. The ectomy- corrhizal fungi relating to the subalpine conifers and their morphological and anatomical characteristics have been compared. The investigation results indicated that the subalpine conifers were mainly associated with Boletaceae, Cortinar-iaceae, Amanitaccae, Russulaceae and Hymenogastraceae. The ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Abies georgei Orr. belong mostly to Boletaceae, cspecially Tylopilus indecisus (PK.) Murr. and Boletus erythropus Fr. ex Fr. The Amanitaceac and Russulaccae seem to constantly form ectotrophic mycorrhizae with Picea likiangensis Pritz.