摘 要 :曲唇兰属(Panisea)为兰科贝母兰亚族(Coelogyninae)的一个小属,全世界只有9种,主要分布于自喜马拉雅地区至印度支那。我国长期只记载1个种,即产于贵州的曲唇兰(P.cavaleriei Schltr.)。但在中国高等植物图鉴中,首次报告云南产另一个种P.bia(Kerr)Tang et Wang。作者在整理该属并结合在英国邱皇家植物园标本馆看到的标本,发现我国云南所谓的 P.bia乃是一个未记载的种。除这两种以外,还在云南西南部发现另一个新种和海南岛的一个新记录种。至此,中国共有4个种,包括2个新种和1个新记录种,其中3种产云南。
Abstract:Panisea, a small orchid genus of about nine species known, is confined to the northern parts of tropical Asia, mostly to Indochina and the Himalayas.In China, the first record of this genus was in 1924 by R. Schlechter, who published a new species from Guizhou Province. It was not until 1976 that another species, P.bia, was reported from Yunnan Province (Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorurn V). However, the second one is in fact quite different from true P.bia of Laos, as proyed by a comparison with the type specimen (Kerr 0971) at Kew. Instead it is an undescribed species. In addition, in the preparation of an account of the genus Panisea for the forthcoming "Orchid Flora of China", two more species, including a new one, are detected. Thus,there are now altogether four species in China.