摘 要 :在我国有相当数量的野生薯芋植物,其皂甙元含量是符合工业生产要求的,但因其皂甙元熔点偏低,一直未被利用。为了查明皂甙元熔点偏低的原因,我们对滇产的小花盾叶薯芋(Dioscorea parviflora Ting)、黄山药(D.panthaica Prain et Burk.)、叉蕊薯芋(D.collettii Hook.f.)及粉背薯芋[D.collettii Hook f.var.hypoglau(Palibin)Pei et Ting)中的甾体皂甙元进行了分离鉴定,并对其利用问题进行了研究和讨论。
Abstract:Diosgenin and Yamogehin were isolated and identified from the tubers of Discorea L. [D. parviflora Ting, D. panthaica Prain et Burk., D. coll-ettii Hook. f., D. collettii Hook. f. var. hypoglauca (Pa1ibin) Pei. et Ting ] in Yunnan. The results obtained are listed in the tables of this paper. The mixed sapogenins can obtain a better yield (48-56% ) to synthesize 3 βacetoxypregna-5, 16-dien-30-onet.