摘 要 :石蒜属Lycoris Herb.全世界约有20多种其中已做过细胞染色体计数者计有17种。本文继红蓝石蒜Lycoris haywardii Traunb和换锦花L.sprengeri Comes exBaker以及长筒石蒜 L.longituba Y. Hsu et Fan, 玫瑰红石蒜 L.rosea Traub etMoldenke,石蒜 L.radiata(L’Her.)Herb.和矮小石蒜L.radiata var.Pumila Grey(以上均待发表)之后,对安徽石蒜L.anhweiensissts Y.Hsu et Fan和中国石蒜L.chinensis Traub的染色体进行计数和核型的描述和分析,旨在为今后探讨石蒜属的核型进化和种系发生提供必要的资料。
Abstract:The present paper deals with a study of the karyotypes of two species of the genus Lycoris Herb.---L. anhweiensis Y. Hsu et Fan and L.chinensis Traub. The number of cbromosomes in root-tip cell of these two species has been found to be K(2 n) = 16 (Fig. 1 and 2 ), both species exhibited bimodal karyotypes with 6 V-shaped and 10 I (rod) -shaped chromosomcs each. Accor- ding to Levan et al., the karyotype formulas of L. anhweiensis and L. chinensis are therefore K (2n) = 16= 6 m + 4t+ 6t(SAT) and K (2n) = 16 =6rn + 6t+2t (SAT) respectively. The chromosome count and karyotype of the former species is reported for the first time.