Abstract:Numberical taxonomic studies were carried out in order to elucidate the taxonomic relationship among 17 species belonging to Paris L.. 18 characters including 10 morphological, 4 pollen morphological, 2 cytotalonomical and 2 habitat characters were used for analysis. On basis of UPGMA clustering analysis, two subgenus and seven groups were recognised. The classification of the two subgenus was different from the opinion of Subgenus Daiswa and Subgenus Paris by Li Heng. The classification of Sect. Dunnianae, Sect. Axiparis and Sect. Paris agreed with the idea of Li Heng. But Sect. Fargesianae, Sect. Marmoratae and Sect. Thibeticae which were established baseing on the especially characters by Li Heng were classfied into Cluster 2, Cluster 3 and Cluster 4.