期 刊 :中国中药杂志 1990年 15卷 11期 页码:40.
关键词:忍冬花;忍冬科;挥发油;GC-MS GC;
Keywords:the flowers of Lonicera japonica, Caprifoliaceae, essential oil, GC-MS, GC,
摘 要 :采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对忍冬花挥发油的化学成分进行了分析,共鉴定出芳樟醇、棕榈酸乙酯等47种化合物。并用气相色谱测定了挥发油中各化合物的百分含量。
Abstract:The chemical constituents of the essential oil obtained from the flowers of Lonicera japonica were analysed by GC-MS. Forty-seven compounds including linalool, ethyl palmitate, etc. were identified. Their percentages in the oil were given.