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A Pharmacognostical Study on the Fistular Onion Bulb (Allium fistulosum)


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A Pharmacognostical Study on the Fistular Onion Bulb
(Allium f istulosum )
Depa rtment o f Chinese M ateria Medica, Liaoning College o f TCM ( Shenyang 110032) 
Zhai Yanjun and Kang Tingguo
Shenyang Kangda Pharmaceutical Facto ry ( Shenyang 110000)  Liu Li
Abstract  “ Congbai” , fistular onion bulb, a Chinese herbal drug , w as systematica lly
studied in such aspects as bo tanical mo rpholog y, macroscopical cha racters, histo logy and so
on. Scientific basis was provided to draw up the standard of identifying“ Congbai” .
Key words  “ Congbai”  All ium f istulosum L.  macroscopical characters histo logi-
cal characters  pharmacognostica l identification
摘 要 葱白为百合科植物葱 Allium f istulosum L.的鳞茎。具有发表通阳解毒的功能。沈阳康达制药厂最新
研制的“胰冲剂” ,用于治疗糖尿病 ,疗效较好 ,葱白是该组方药物主要成分之一。 但由于该品多见于民间验
方 ,药典及地方标准均无收载 ,有关其生药鉴定方面的研究尚无报道。 为进一步开发利用这一药用资源 ,为该
品的鉴别标准提供依据 ,本文对其植物形态、药材性状、组织构造等方面进行了研究。
关键词 葱白 性状特征 组织构造 生药鉴定
  “ Congbai” , Allium f istulosum L. , w as ini tial-
ly reco rded in Transactions of Famous Physicians
(《名医别录》 ) . But i t was named as “ Cong jingbai”
in Compendium of Ma teria Medica (《本草纲目》 )
and “ Congbai tou” in Explana tion of Medicine (《药
品化义》 ) [1 ] . “ Congbai” is the bulb o f All ium f istu-
losum L. (Liliaceae ) , wi th the ef fects of reliev ing
superficies syndrome, activ ating yang , a nd deto xi-
cating. It i s mainly used for the treatment of cold
and heat headache due to af fection by co ld, abdom-
ina l pain due to coldness of the geni tals, malnutri-
tion due to parasitic infestation, dif ficul ty in urina-
tion and defecation, dysentery , sw elling pain,
etc. . The compatibility of “ Shengma” ( Rhizoma
Cimicif ugae ) and “ Congbai” i s used fo r the t rea t-
ment of common cold according to folk remedy.
The experiment in decreasing the content of ni t ri te
in gastric juice w ith f resh scallion was repo rted[2 ] .
The effect of “ Banxia Congbai Suppository” on a-
cute masti tis was observ ed
[3 ]
. 130 cases of prema-
ture acute masti ti s w ere t rea ted w ith Congbai and
Banxia ( Rhizoma pinell iae ) combined w ith ginger
juice by liquid cupping method, w ith the effectiv e
rate o f 96. 9%
[4 ]
. In the books f rom ancient Sup-
plement to Handbook of Prescriptions for Emer-
gencies (《补缺肘后方》 ) , Huatuo s Prescriptions
fo r Cri tical Diseases (《华佗危病方》 ) , a nd Com-
pendium of Ma teria Medica (《本草纲目》 ) to now a-
days Herbal Drug Handbook (《本草手册》 ) as w ell
as clinical reports, the fo lk medicinal histo ry of
“ Congbai” on preventing and trea ting diseases has
been reco rded there
[1 ] . “ Congbai” contains v olati le
oil ( mainly contains garlicin) , dially l sulfur ether;
contains v itamin C ( 97 mg% damp sample) , v ita-
min B1 , v itamin B2 , nicotinic acid, fat ty oil and
[1 ]
. Yi g ranule, which is a recipe made by
Shenyang Kangda Pha rmaceutical Factory , has
good therapeutic effect on diabetes. “ Congbai” is
one o f the main ing redients in i t. However, “ Cong-
bai” i s no t reco rded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and
Local Cri terion o f M edicine but only used in fo lk
remedy. Study on i ts pha rmacognostical identifica-
tion has no t been repo rted. In order to develop and
utilize this drug bet ter , and prov ide scientific basis
·45·中草药  Chinese Tradi tional and Herbal Drug s  2000年第 31卷第 1期
翟延君 女 , 1956年生 , 1982年毕业于辽宁中医学院中药专业 ,获学士学位 ,副教授。 研究方向:中药材品质鉴定及中成药质量标准研究。主持、参加辽宁省教委课题 4项 ,主要参与国家“九· 五”攻关课题 1项。获辽宁省政府科技进步二等奖、辽宁省中医药管理局科技进步二等奖及辽宁省优秀教学成果二等奖各 1项 ,并获香港陈香梅女士教育奖励基金奖。
fo r it s identification cri terion, w e systema tical ly
studied on the identi fication of i ts botanical mor-
pho log y, macroscopical and histolo gical charac-
1  Plant Morphology
Perennial herb, 50 cm high. Usually cluster-
ing , w hole body wi th pungent stink. Fibrous ro ot ,
occuring in a cluster, white. Fresh stem columnar,
tip a li tt le fa t. Fresh leaves wi th layer upon layer,
w hi te, having longitudinal v eins. Leaves g row ing
a t base, columnar, ho llow , about 45 cm long , 1. 5
~ 2 cm in diameter, tip tapering , g reen, wi th lon-
gi tudinal v eins; leaf sheath , lig ht g reen. Flow er
stem branching out f rom the clump of leaves, usu-
ally sing le, infla ted, hollow in the middle, g reen,
also wi th longi tudinal v eins; umbel, g labrous; in-
vo lucre, membranous, ova te o r ov atelanceola te;
perianth 6, lanceolate, white, outer series 3, short
and smal l, inner series 3, long and big , w ith a lon-
gi tudinal v ein in the middle of the periaanth; sta-
men 6, filaments branching out , anther yellow , T-
shaped; ov ary 3-cel led. Capsules 3-ribbed. Seeds
black, in t riangular shape, semicircula r. It is cul ti-
va ted everywhere in the who le na tion.
2 Macroscopical Characters of“ Congbai”
Bulb cy lindrical, 15~ 35 cm long , 1~ 3. 5 cm
in diameter, tip a li tt le fat; surface whi te, g reen in
the end; scale leaf w ith layer upon layer, hav ing
longi tudinal v eins; tex ture so f t, easi ly broken,
pungent mucus apearing af ter being broken; sec-
tion w ith several layers of scale-lea f-ci rcle v ein;
center wi th an elliptic o r tw o ho rse s-hoo f-shaped
tender leaves, commonly named as “ Congxin” ,
g reen or y ellowish g reen on the edge, section
w hi te, under the magni fying glass, fine mesh visi-
ble, sponge-like in shape. Odour heavy peppery;
taste peppery, pungent stink lasting for long time
whi le chewing.
3  Histological Characters of “Congbai”
3. 1  Transverse Section o f the Base Tissue of
Scale Leaf: The inner epidermis and outer epider-
mis consisting o f a layer of square-like cells; hav-
ing several v ascula r bundles; the xy lem tending to-
w ards the inner epidermis; having a st rip com-
posed o f oil cells and oil cav ities betw een the outer
epidermis and the vascular bundles; Having brow-
nish yellow volatile oil in oil cavi ty, 35~ 150μm in
diameter; the oi l cell relativ ely big , w hose longitu-
dinal section rectang le-like shaped, having brow n-
ish yellow vola ti le oi l; pa renchyma tous cell circle-
like shaped, containing some calcium oxalate drus-
es, ci rcularly cluster-shaped o r ci rcl-like, 6~ 20
μm in diameter ( Fig. 1) .
A-diag ram of transverse s ection
B-Details of oi l cavi ty
C-Detail s of longi tudinal s ection of oil cell s
i-ep-in ner epidermis  cr-calcium oxalate crys tals
xy-xylem  ph-phloem  o. ca-oil cavi ty  o. ep-ou t-
er epidermis
Fig. 1  Diagram of Scale-leaf Base of All ium
f istulosum L.
3. 2  Longitudinal Section o f Scale Leaf Tissue:
Fo r the longitudinal section near the outer epider-
mis of the outer lay er scale leaf of the relatively
thick bulb, parenchymatous cell rectangular, con-
taining 1-( 2) sty loid crystals o r druses; styloid
crystals 46μm in leng th, 1. 5~ 22μm in diameter,
druses 3~ 18 ( 30) μm in diameter, w ith mo re
py ramids. For the longi tudinal section near the
outer epidermis of the outer layer scale leaf of the
relativ ely thin bulb, pa renchymatous cel l mo stly
·46· 中草药  Chinese Tradi tional and Herbal Drug s  2000年第 31卷第 1期
containing prisma tic cry stals, sho rt sty loid cry s-
tals, and druses; prisma tic crystals most ly regular
octahedron in shape, 3~ 19μm in diameter. Fo r
the longi tudinal section nea r the outer epidermis of
the inner layer scale leaf of bulb, cell nea rly square
o r po lygon-like; the cell wall fine ripples shaped,
enclo sing globulari ty-like calcium oxala te druses,
being smaller than that in the outer layer scale leaf
( Fig. 2) .
A-Longi tudinal section of ou ter layer scale-leafybas e
of thicker bulb  B-Longitudinal section of outer layer
scale-leafbas e of thinner bu lb  C-Transverse sect ion
of ou ter layer s cale-leafbas e of thick er bulb  D-Lon-
gi tudinal s ection of inner layer s cale-leaf bas e of thick-
er bulb
Fig. 2  Various Forms of Calcium Oxalate
Crystals of A. f istulosum L.
3. 3  Surface Section: The surface sections of the
inner epidermis and outer epidermis o f the scale
leaf , for the relativ ely thick bulb, the outer epider-
mis cells of the scale leaf long-strip shaped; stoma-
ta ci rcle-like or elliptic, 54μm in leng th and 42μm
in breadth; the surface o f the cell being wi th cutic-
ular veins; fo r the relativ ely thin bulb, the shape
o f cell and stomata similar as above but hav ing not
cuticular v eins on the cell surface; wi thout scat ter-
ing stoma ta in the inner epidermis cell of the scale
leaf ( Fig . 3) .
A-Outer epidermis  B-Inn er epid ermis
Fig. 3  Detailed Epidermis Drawing of
Outer Iayer Scale-leaf of A.
f istulosum L.
3. 4  Transverse Section of the Parenchyma tous
Tissue of “ Congbai” (“ Congxin” ): Take
“ Congbai” (“ Congxin” ) to make transverse section,
heating wi th chlo ra l hydrate. Then observ e i t un-
der the microscope. Cell circle-like, intercellula r
space relativ ely big , w ithout any crystal ( Fig. 4) .
Fig. 4  Detailed Transverse Section Drawing
of Parenchymatous Tissue of Congxin
1  Jiangsu New Col. Chin ese Materia M edica (《中药大辞典》 ) ,
Sh angh ai. Sh angh ai Sci . and Tech. Pub. House, 1977: 2316
2  Lin Baokui , et al . Cancer Research on Prev en tion and Treat-
ment , 1984, 1 ( 1): 11
3  Li Sh uying, et al . Th e Journal of Practical Obs tet rics and Gyne-
colog y, 1992, ( 2): 76
4  Su rgical Dp t. of th e Firs t Af fi liated Hospi tal of Hunan Medical
College. Dispatch Jou rnal of Chinese Materia Medica, 1972,
( 1): 40
( Receiv ed in Dec. 14th , 1998)
·47·中草药  Chinese Tradi tional and Herbal Drug s  2000年第 31卷第 1期