全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 32(3):392-399 2012年5月
Pre-clinical pharmacokinetics of novel
soybean iosflavone sulfonate
PENG You1,2*,TAO Chun-Yuan1,DENG Ze-Yuan2
(1.Department of Chemistry and Engineering,Jiujiang University,Jiujiang 332005,China;2.State Key
Laboratory of Food Science and Technology,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330047,China)
Abstract:The oral bioavailability of genistein(GE)in its benzensulfonate prodrug was studied in search for its novel
prodrug.The plasmas were colected at different points of time after the intragastric or intravenous administration of
genistein benzensulfonate(GBS)40mg/kg to rats.The GBS and GE contents in plasma were determined by HPLC.
The compartment model was fitted and pharma cokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS 2.1.1.The results indi-
cated that the dynamic processes of GE were consistent with two compartment model after intragastric administration
of GBS prodrug to rats.The relative oral bioavailability of GE in prodrug GBS was 198.6%.In conclusion,the above
results demonstrated that the oral bioavailability of GE in prodrug had been improved remarkably.
Key words:genistein sulfonate;prodrug;pharmacokinetics;bioavailability
CLC Number:R965.1 Document Code:A Article ID:1000-3142(2012)03-0392-08
彭 游1,2*陶春元1,邓泽元2
(1.九江学院 化工学院,江西 九江332005;2.南昌大学 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,南昌330047)
摘 要:为寻找新的大豆异黄酮前药,采用建立的生物样品中药物浓度测定的液相色谱法对新型大豆异黄酮
前药物动力学实验中,该前体药以40mg/kg GE在大鼠体内的动力学过程符合一室模型。GBS中GE的相对
1 Introduction
Soybean isoflavone is a class of secondary metabo-
lite in soybean(Peng et al.,2011).In recent years the
abundant researches indicated the soybean isoflavones
in food had many important physiological functions in-
cluding preventing cancer,cardiovascular disease and
the osteoporosis sickness,anti-oxidation,reducing the
female menopause syndromea and the blood sugar,an-
ti-senily,and so on(Coward etal,1993;Aedin et al.,
2000;Holder et al.,1998;Huang et al.,2004).How-
ever,among the isoflavones,GE includes three polar
group hydroxyl,its lipophilicity was weak.Simultane-
* Received date:2011-09-05 Accepted date:2011-12-23
Foundation items:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81160412);the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province
(2010GZN0106);the Science and Technology Item of the Education Department of Jiangxi Province(GJJ11626)
Biography:PENG You(1971-),male,Doctor Degree,Associate Professor,Working With Natural Product Chemistry Research,(E-mail)trihydracid@126.com.
*Author for Correspondence
ously its hydroxyls formed the intermolecular hydrogen
bond,its lattice energy was high,so its hydrophility
was not strong,too.Only a smal part of GE could be
absorbed rapidly and metabolized to glucuronic acid
glycosides in vivo,most were degraded and metabolized
by microorganisms in the intestine.So,GE had the
first pass metabolism in the intestine(Barne et al.,
1996).Thus,the defect of solubility and the first pass
efect caused its low bioavailability and biological activ-
ities.Until now it cannot be used widespread efective-
ly in clinical(Andlauer et al.,2000).
To improve the oral bioavailability and pharmaco-
logical action of GE,our laboratory had synthesized
GBS by the prodrug principle(Peng et al.,2008).We
Fig.1 Structure of genistein and their derivatives
hope these compounds could radicaly improve solubili-
ties and metabolic stabilities,increase its in vivo bio-
availabilities and anti-cancer activities(Fig.1).To iso-
late new prodrug that has a good afinity and high bio-
availability,metabolisms and pharmacokinetics of GBS
were studied in animals.
Taking daidzein(DZ)as an internal standard,
simultaneous determination of GE and GBS in biologi-
cal samples were found by HPLC method,which was
also used to study in vivo metabolism and pharmacoki-
netics of GE and GBS.
2 Materials and methods
2.1Reagents and materials
Chemicals GBS was synthesized by our lab(the
purity,greater than 99%,HPLC determination).DZ
and GE were provided by Shanxi Huike Botanical De-
velopment Co.,Ltd.High performance liquid chroma-
tography(HPLC)-grade methanol(produced by Merck
Corp.)were used.PEG-400,formic acid,methanol etc
were of analytical grade.Animals Fifteen of Wistar rats
with female/male(2/3)at 200-250g of body weight,
were provided by the Experimental Animal Center of
Nanchang University(Certificate of Conformity:SCXK-
Concentrations of drugs were determined in plas-
ma using a RP-HPLC method.Analysis was per-
formed on an Agilent 1 100HPLC system(Agilent
Technologies,Palo Alto,CA,USA)equipped with a
quaternary pump,a vacuum degasser,an automatic in-
jector,and a variable wavelength detector.Separation
was carried on a 5μL Venusil XBP-C18column(250
mm×4.6mm,Agela Technologies,China)using 0.1%
formic acid aqueous solution:methanol(1∶1,v/v)as
the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.5mL/min.The
efluent was monitored at 262nm with detector sensi-
tivity of 2.00AUFS,and the maximum absorbance
waves for GBS was determined at 262nm with a DAD
detector.Agilent Chromatographic Station was used.
The column temperature was kept at 20℃.The injec-
ted volume of the analyzed samples was 10μL.
2.3Plasma sample pretreatment
Folowing addition of 10μL DZ solution(100
μg/mL)to 40μL of plasma sample,the sample was
swirled for 3min.And then,1.0mL of ethyl ace-
tate was added to this sample.The sample was
swirled for 3min again and centrifuged at 14 000r/
min and 4℃for 10min to separate layers.The or-
ganic layer was transferred to clean tube and evap-
orated to dryness under nitrogen.The residue was
3933期 彭游等:新型大豆异黄酮磺酸酯的临床前药物动力学
dissolved in 200μL of methanol,and 10μL was in-
jected into the HPLC system.
2.4Solution preparation
2.4.1Administration of solution in drug metabo-
lism Taking minutely 50mg of drug,added 0.1-
0.2mL dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO),dissolved and di-
luted to 5.0mL with PEG-400,so a concentration of
10mg/mL solution of the drug was prepared for oral
administration of rats in the prodrug screening experi-
ments.The solution was prepared and used presently.
2.4.2Administration of solution in pharmacoki-
netics Taking minutely 40mg of GE(GBS),added
0.1-0.2mL DMSO,dissolved and diluted to 8.0mL
with PEG-400,so a concentration of 5mg/mL solution
of the drug was prepared for oral administration of
rats.Taking minutely 40mg of GBS,added 0.1-0.2
mL DMSO,dissolved and diluted to 2.0mL with PEG-
400,so a 20mg/mL solution of the prodrug was pre-
pared for intravenous administration of rats.The solu-
tion was prepared and used presently.
2.5The drug metabolism research in vivo
2.5.1Intragastric administration Healthy Wistar
rats with weight 200-250g were fasted 12hand given
access to water freely before administration.The drug
GBS was gavaged by 100mg/kg dose to a rat.At 5,10,
30min and 1hafter administration,0.1-0.2mL of
blood was colected through the orbital venous plexus
respectively.After centrifuged chiled 10min with 14
000r/min,blood was separated to plasma.Plasma
sample was preserved at the-70℃until pretreatment.
2.5.2Plasma sample preparation Combining of 0
-1hplasma samples,to 0.5mL of the sample was
added 50μL of methanol.The rear operation accorded
“2.3Plasma sample pretreatment”method.
2.6The pharmacokinetics in rats
2.6.1Dosage regimen in pharmacokinetic experi-
ments and sample colection Intragastric adminis-
tration Ten healthy Wistar rats,female/male(2/3),
weight 200-250g,were randomly divided into 2
treatment groups.Al animals were fasted 12hand ac-
cessed to water freely before administration.The drug
was gavaged by 40mg/kg dose(dose volume of 10
mL/kg)respectively.At before administration(0h),
0.08,0.17,0.33,0.67,1,2,4,6,8,12,24hafter ad-
ministration,0.1mL of blood was colected through
the orbital venous plexus to heparin tube respectively.
After centrifuged chiled at 14 000r/min for 10min,
the upper layer blood plasma sample was preserved at
the-70℃until analysis.
Intravenous administiation Randomly five healthy
Wistar rats,female/male(2/3),weight 200-250g,
were divided into a treatment group.Al animals were
fasted 12hand accessed to water freely before admin-
istration.Respectively the prodrug was injected via the
tail vein by 40mg/kg dose(dose volume of 2mL/kg).
At before administration(0h),0.08,0.17,0.33,0.67,
1,2,4,6,8,12,24hafter administration,0.1mL of
blood was colected through the orbital venous plexus
to heparin tube respectively.After centrifuged chiled
at 14 000r/min for 10min,the upper layer blood plas-
ma sample was preserved at the-70℃until analysis.
2.6.2Determination of drug concentration Flow-
ing oral or intravenous administration of drugs,the
concentrations of the original medicine and the precur-
sor in plasma sample were determined separately by the
HPLC method which had been established.
2.6.3Data analysis Under the standard curve es-
tablished by each analysis group,drug concentration
was calculated in plasma.Using pharmacokinetic cal-
culation software DAS 2.1.1,the main pharmacokinet-
ic parameters of drugs were calculated through the
non-compartment model.The experimental data were
statisticaly analyzed through test.If P<0.05,consid-
ered significant diference,P<0.01considered highly
significant diference and P>0.05no significant difer-
3 Results and analysis
3.1Analysis confirmed
3.1.1Method selectivity The rat blank plasma 50
μL were treated according to“2.3Blood sample pre-
treatment”method(without internal standard).10μL
was injected into HPLC system and chromatogram
Fig.2(A)was obtained.The standard solution of the
lower limit of quantification of GE,GBS was added into
493 广 西 植 物 32卷
a blank plasma respectively and operated according to
the same method(with internal standard),so chromat-
ogram Fig.2(B)was obtained,in which the retention
time of GE,GBS,and DZ was 13.4,16.2,12.4min re-
spectively.The results showed that endogenous sub-
stances in plasma did not interfere with the determina-
tion of GE,GBS and DZ,also the internal standard DZ
and the tested samples did not interfere with each oth-
er.The analytic period of each sample was 26.5min.
3.1.2Preparation of standard curve Adding 10
μL of GE standard series solution to 40μL of rat blank
plasma and eddying 3min,so their concentration(μg/
mL)were 0.02,0.08,0.25,1.0,2.5,10,40respective-
ly.The other operation accorded to“2.3Blood sample
pretreatment”method.To the concentration of ana-
lytes as abscissa,the ratio of peak area of analytes and
internal standard as the vertical axis,carried on the re-
turn operation with the weighting least squares meth-
od,the standard curve linear regression equation ob-
tained was Y=2×10-5 X+0.0084,R2=0.9997.The
linear range of the determination of concentration of
GE in plasma was 0.020-40μg/mL according to the
standard curve.The preparation of standard curve of
GBS accorded with GE in plasma.
The straight linear regression equation of standard
curve of GBS in plasma:Y=1×10-4 X+0.0654,R2=
0.9994,the linear range was 0.025-32μg/mL.
Adding 10μL of standard solution of GE to 40μL
of blank plasma,the sample of the equivalent with GE
0.02μg/mL was obtained.Carried on 5-sample analy-
sis to the sample,based on the standard curve of the
same day,the concentration of each sample was ob-
tained.The results showed that the lower limits of
quantification of GE and GBS in plasma were 0.02μg/
mL and 0.025μg/mL with HPLC method respective-
ly.The with-day precision(relative standard deviation,
RSD)of GE and GBS in lower limit of quantification
concentration were 13.7% and 11.9%respectively,
and their accuracies(RE)in this concentration were
Fig.2 Representative chromatograms of genistein and its derivatives in plasma samples determined by HPLC method
(A)A blank plasma sample;(B)A blank plasma sample spiked with GE(B1),GBS(B2)at the lower limit of quantification.
3.1.3The precision and accuracy of method Tak-
ing 40μL blank plasma,the low,medium and high
concentrations of three quality control(QC)samples of
GE were prepared according to“Preparation of standard
Curve”method.Each concentration was completed for
6-sample analysis and determined for three days con-
tinuously,and their standard curves were prepared at
the same time.Calculating the concentration of QC
samples and comparing with the added concentration,
the accuracy and precision of determination method of
each component was sought.The determination meth-
od of RE and RSD of GBS accorded with the determi-
5933期 彭游等:新型大豆异黄酮磺酸酯的临床前药物动力学
nation of GE.Experimental data indicate that the with-
day and between-day precision of GE,GBS were less
than 12%,and accuracy were at±13%.The determi-
nation method of compounds tested in plasma was in
compliance with the relevant international standards
requirements(Shah et al.,2000).
Fig.3 HPLC of compounds in rat plasma after oral administration of 100
mg/kg derivative GBS to Wistar rats.A-blank plasma
Fig.4 The mean plasma concentration-time curve
of genistein folowing oral administration of 40
mg/kg genistein to Wistar rats(n=5).
Each value represents the mean±SD of five individual values
3.1.4The extraction recovery of sample Accord-
ing to“3.1.2Prepation of standard Curve”method,the
QC samples of GE,GBS and DZ were prepared and the
extraction recovery of these samples were reviewed.
The results showed that the extraction recovery of
three kinds of concentrations of the components were
over 70%in general,only the recovery of GE was
66.1%at high concentration.
3.1.5The stability of sample According to“3.1.2
Preparation of standard Curve”method,the low,medi-
um and high concentrations of three QC samples of
GE,GBS were prepared to study the stability of sam-
ples in three diferent preservation conditions.The re-
sults showed that the tested compounds were stable at
the-70℃during 30days,as wel as after three freez-
ing-defrosting circulation.The plasma sample solu-
tions extracted were stable after 24hat room tempera-
ture.The RE of various concentration groups were-
3.2The drug metabolism research in vivo
The synthetic compound was ester of GE.The
prodrug theory believed that only the derivative could
be degradated and release parent drug timely in vivo
that play apharmacological efect,so it would be car-
ried out its metabolic studies in vivo to confirm wheth-
er it was prodrug.After the Wistar rat was being oral
administration of 100mg/kg GBS,its plasma samples
were analysised using HPLC.The experimental re-
sults in Fig.3showed that GE could be detected in rat
plasma obviously after oral administration of GBS to
Wistar rats.Thus GBS was the prodrug of GE.From
Fig.3(B),it was obvious that GBS could also be detec-
ted in rat plasma after oral administration of GBS.
3.3.1Pharmacokinetics of the parent drug in rats
Pharmacokinetics of parent drug GE in rats in vivo
was studied in detail in the literature(Setchel et al.,
2003).To accurately investigate its relative bioavail-
ability in GBS,its pharmacokinetics after its intragas-
tric administration to rats under the same experimental
conditions was also studied.
Folowing oral administration with 40mg/kg GE
to rats,its mean plasma concentration-time curve see
Fig.4.The blood drug concentration data were fitted
693 广 西 植 物 32卷
with compartment model and pharmacokinetic parame-
ters were calculated by the DAS 2.1.1.It found the
dynamic processes of GE consistent with a compart-
ment model after intragastric administration of GE to
rats.The pharmacokinetic parameters respectively
were:t1/2,(8.18±5.30)h;Cmax,(3511±2 408)ng/
mL;Tmax,(1.20±1.60)h;AUC0-t,(15 550±1 649)
ng.h/mL;AUC0-∞,(18 665±2 879)ng.h/mL.
Fig.5 The mean plasma concentration-time curves
of GE(◆)and GBS(■)folowing oral administration
of 40mg/kg GBS to to Wistar rats(n=5).
Each value represents the mean±SD of five individual values.
3.3.2Pharmacokinetics of prodrug GBS The phar-
macokinetic behaviors were studied after intragastric or
intravenous administration of GBS to rats with estab-
lished HPLC method.After oral and intravenous ad-
ministration with 40mg/kg dose of GBS to rats,the
mean plasma concentration-time curves of GE and GBS
see Fig.5and Fig.6respectively.Blood drug concen-
tration data were fitted with compartment model by the
DAS 2.1.1software and pharmacokinetic parameters
were calculated.It found that the dynamic processes of
GE consistent with a compartment model after intra-
gastric administration of GBS to rats and that the dy-
namic processes of GE and GBS were al consistent
with two-compartment model after intravenous admin-
istration of GBS to rats.Pharmacokinetic parameters
see Table 1.
By the drug concentration-time curves of Fig.5
and Table 1,it could be found that the Tmaxof GE was
about 0.3hafter oraly administration of GBS to rats.
It indicated that the prodrug GBS was rapidly absorbed
in vivo and hydrolyzed by enzymes to the parent drug
GE.The half-life of GBS was 12.61h,which indicated
that GBS could be maintained a longer time in the
blood,and also that is conducived to the maintenance of
GE in the blood a long time.
The pharmacokinetic behaviors were studied after
intragastric or intravenous administration of GBS to
rats with established HPLC method.Folowing oral
and intravenous administration of 40mg/kg GBS to
rats,the mean plasma concentration-time curves of GE
and GBS see Fig.5and Fig.6respectively.The blood
drug concentration data were fitted with compartment
model and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated
by the DAS 2.1.1.It found that the dynamic proces-
ses of GE were al consistent with two compartment
model after intragastric or intravenous administration of
GBS to rats.Pharmacokinetic parameters see Table 1.
Fig.6The mean plasma concentration-time curves of
GE(◆)and GBS(■)folowing intravenous administration
of 40mg/kg GBS to Wistar rats(n=5)
Each value
represents the mean±SD of five individual values
By the drug concentration-time curves of Fig.5
and Table 1,it could be found that the Tmaxof GE was
about 0.53hand the prodrug GBS was not detected in
plasma after oral administration of GBS to rats.It in-
dicated that the prodrug GBS was absorbed in vivo and
hydrolyzed by enzymes to the parent drug GE rapidly.
GE presented the twin peaks folowing oral administra-
tion of GBS to rats,the tmax1,tmax2of two peaks of GE
were 40min and 8hrespectively,and the Cmax1and
Cmax2were 2 684and 684ng/mL respectively.GBS
presented the twin peaks folowing intravenous admin-
istration of GBS to rats,the tmax1,tmax2of two peaks of
7933期 彭游等:新型大豆异黄酮磺酸酯的临床前药物动力学
GBS were 5min and 6hrespectively,and the Cmax1and
Cmax2were 43 481and 3 325ng/mL respectively.
3.4Pharmacokinetic characteristics of genistein pro-
drugs in rats
Flowing intragastric administration of prodrugs,
the Tmax,t1/2and AUC0-∞of GE that come from hydrol-
ysis of prodrug GBS see Table 1.The dose of prodrugs
converted into the equivalent of the same dose(Dtest)of
GE by equimolar respectively.The relative bioavail-
ability(Fr)of GE in prodrugs was calculated by the
formula(1),see Table 2.
100%* (1)……………………………………………
*:Dstandard:the oral dose of the parent drug;Dtest:
the dose of the parent drug converted by oral prodrug;
AUCstandard:the area under the concentration-time curve
of parent drug flowing oral administration of parent
drug;AUCtest:the area under the concentration-
time curve of parent drug flowing oral administra-
tion of prodrug.
Table 1 The mean non-compartmental pharmacokinetic parameters of genistein and GBS in
Wistar rats after single oral and intravenous administration of 40mg/kg GBS(n=5).
Each valuerepresents the mean±SD for five individual values.
Oral Intravenous
Genistein GBS Genistein GBS
t1/2(h) 4.41士1.07 12.61士10.61 7.20士1.09 5.56士2.50
Tmax(h) 0.30士0.24 2.13士1.71
Cmax(ng/mL) 6548士2268 2050士797
AUC0-t(ng.h/mL) 22747士3611 8820士2005 44384士28278 221365士116160
AUC0-∞(ng.h/mL) 24411士3282 10678士3311 49378士31383 229320士110316
Table 2 The relative bioavailability of genistein and its
prodrugs in Wistar rats after single oral administration
Parameter GE GE/GBS
t1/2(h) 8.18±5.30 4.41±1.07
Tmax(h) 1.20±1.60 0.30±0.24
AUC0-∞(ng.h/mL) 18665±2879 24411±3282
Fr(%) — 198.6
After intragastric administration of prodrug,
the Tmaxof GE from prodrug that was in one hour,
was shorter than Tmaxof parent GE.Perhaps due
to the large molecular weight,afer intravenous ad-
ministration of the prodrug GBS,it occured hepato-
biliary circulation.
According to the relatived bioavailability,prodrug
in rats released the amount of GE in the order for the
GBS>>GE.It indicated that the kinetic behavior of
the prodrug GBS compared with GE was known as a
great improvement by proper structural modification.
After respectively intragastric administration of
the prodrug,the Tmaxof GE that came from hydrolysis
of the prodrug in 1h,and was shorter than Tmax(1.2
h)of parent GE.After intragastric administration,the
half-live was 4.41h.From Fig.1,compared to the
GE,7-OH of prodrug GBS was substituted by benzene
sulfonate group.Its lipophilic was enhanced,and it
might be better to avoid the first pass efect.Its rela-
tive bioavailability was larger than GE in expermients.
GBS could be more likely to have further research val-
4 Discussion
The objective of design and synthesis of prodrugs
was to solve the specific problems in pharmacy or
pharmacology and give the useful nature to drugs.
These mainly included:transformation their in vivo
pharmacokinetics,adjustment in vivo absorption and
distribution,improvement the stability and water solu-
bility of drugs and so on.The main aim of sulfonic acid
ester-modified of genistein was to improve its absorp-
tion in vivo and block first-pass efect,thus to enhance
its bioavailability and pharmacological efects possibly.
The prodrug design ideas of the polyhydroxy fla-
vonoids were explored with the results of this experi-
Polyhydroxy flavonoids,mainly referring to natu-
893 广 西 植 物 32卷
ral active product genistein,daidzein,quercetin,etc.,
have good chemical stability,no toxicity and human ad-
verse reactions,but they have diferent degree of phar-
macokinetics shortcomings,mainly the first-pass
efects,intestinal flora decomposition,fast elimination
in vivo,etc.,and the same time also poor water solu-
bility in general(Hur et al.,2000;Holman &Katan,
1998).The deficiencies in pharmacokinetics and poor
water solubility were main reasons for their low bio-
availability.So prodrug modifition of such polyhydrox-
y flavonoids must start from improving these two areas
According to afecting factors of the drug bio-
availability,combined with the physical and chemical
properties of polyhydroxy flavonoids,as wel as their
basic transmission characteristic in vivo,the prodrug
design for multi-hydroxyflavone was carried out mainly
in lipophilic aspect.The big sulphonate group intro-
duced in molecular seals up its easily metabolized phe-
nol hydroxyl,improved its solubility and amphipathici-
ty,enabled to have the good biomembrane endophilici-
ty,increased the absorption rate,avoided the metabo-
lism before circulation,enhanced the bioavailability.
This paper had carried on prodrug decision to the
new sulphonate derivative of genistein,and conducted
the of the prodrug confirmed.The experiments indica-
ted that the bioavailability of genistein flowing oral ad-
ministration of GBS was better than that of genistein
folowing oral administration of genistein.This ex-
plained that thinking of optimizing kinetic property of
genistein by sulphonate modification to enhance the o-
ral bioavailability was successful.
5 Summary
The novel sulfonic acid ester derivative of
genistein was its prodrug confirmed by metabolism
screening studies in rats.Its pharmacokinetic studies
have shown that the prodrug GBS have good oral bio-
availability.The idea that we adopted the structural
modification of the hydroxyl group of genistein to opti-
mize the pharmacokinetic properties,block first-pass
metabolism and thus has improved the oral bioavail-
ability is feasible.
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