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A new variety of Aspidistra from Guangxi, China


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 32(3):321-323                       2012年5月 
A new varietyof Aspidistrafrom Guangxi,China
WU Lei 1,3,HUANG Yun-Feng2,NONG Dong-Xin4,GAO Qi 1*
(1.Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Guilin 541006,China;2.College of Life Sciences,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541004,China;
3.Guangxi Institute of Chinese Medicine &Pharmaceutical Science,Nanning 530022,China;
4.Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants,Nanning 530023,China)
Abstract:Aspidistra arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.angustifoliaL.Wu &Y.F.Huang is described and ilustrated as a
new variety of Aspidistrafrom Guangxi,China.The new variety is similar to A.arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.arnau-
tovii,but differs in its blade narrow lanceolate to nearly linear,1.2-2.0cm wide,with ca.9fine secondary veins at
each side,stigma with ca.24smal marginal incisions,upper surface convex.
Key words:Aspidistra arnautovii var.angustifolia;new variety;Guangxi;China
CLC Number:Q949  Document Code:A  Article ID:1000-3142(2012)03-0321-03

吴 磊1,2,黄云峰3,农东新4,高 乞1*
(1. 广西壮族自治区
中 国 科 学 院
广西植物研究所,广西 桂林541006;2.广西师范大学 生命科学学院,广西 桂林541004;
摘 要:该文描述了中国广西一新变种———防城蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.angustifo-
lia L.Wu &Y.F.Huang),该变种与原变种A.arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.arnautovii相近,区别在于本变种
  With in-depth field expedition,the number of
known species from the genus Aspidistra Ker-
Gawler increases remarkably during the past three
decades.According to our recent knowledge,the
genus Aspidistra encompasses over 100species
with distribution from southern Japan to Peninsu-
lar Malaysia,and the center of diversity in Guan-
gxi,China and adjacent northern Vietnam(Lang et
et al.,2009;Lin et al.,2009,2010;Xu et al.,2010;
Gao &Liu,2011).Plants of Aspidistra are char-
acterized by aperennial habit,conspicuous rhizo-
mes,a variety of fruits and a highly diversified
flower structure(Lin et al.,2010).
Two years ago,the authors came across a pe-
culiar Aspidistra plant without flowers from Shi-
wandashan National Nature Reserve in Guangxi,
and luckily colected its flowering plants in the re-
cent field expedition.Consultation of herbarium
material and relevant literature reveals that its
flower differs from al the known species of Aspi-
distraexcept A.arnautovii,but compared with A.
arnautovii,it also differs in its blade narrowly lan-
ceolate to nearly linear,1.2-2.0cm wide,with ca.
* Received date:2011-11-16  Accepted date:2012-04-01
Foundation items:Supported by the Science Research Foundation of Guangxi Institute of Botany(10005);Guangxi Natural Science Foundation
(2010GXNSFE013004);National Natural Science Foundation of China(41161011)
Biography:WU Lei(1986-),male,born in Hunan Province,graduate student,majoring in flora and plant ecology research,(E-mail)wuleibk@163.com.
*Author for correspondence:GAO Qi,Female,Ph.D.,majoring in plant taxonomy,E-mail:qigao_qg@yahoo.com.cn
9fine secondary veins at each side,stigma with ca.
24smal marginal incisions,upper surface convex.
So we confirmed it is a new variety and described
as below.
Aspidistra arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.angus-
tifolia L.Wu &Y.F.Huang,var.nov.Fig.1.
Fig.1 Aspidistra arnautovii H.J.Tilich var.angustifolia L.Wu &Y.F.Huang 1.Habit;2.Perianth,
dissected open to show stigma;3.Perianth,longitudinaly dissected;4.Perianth,dissected open to show
stamens;5.Stigma,adaxial view;6.Stigma,abaxial view;7.Ovary,transverse section.
  Afinis Aspidistra arnautovi H.J.Tilich var.ar-
nautovi,aqua difert folis anquste lanceolate usque
sublinearibus,1.2-2.0cm latis,nervis lateralibus in
utroque latere 9,stigmate margine circ.24-inciso,facie
supera convexo,sulcis inconspicuis humilibus radi-
atisque ornato.
Herbs perennial,evergreen,rhizomatous.Rhizo-
me creeping,subterete,ca.5mm thick,covered with
scales,internodes congested.Vaginal leaves purple-
brown,5-15cm long,becoming fibrous when dry.
223 广 西 植 物                  32卷
Leaves solitary,up to 75cm long,petiole stif,upright,
14-22cm long,adaxialy sulcate;blade narrow lanceo-
late to nearly linear,20-53cm long,1.2-2.0cm
wide,green,sometimes with yelow spots,basaly nar-
row cuneate,gradualy and asymmetricaly tapered to
petiole,midvein with a smal groove on upper surface,
sharply protruding on lower surface,ca.9fine seconda-
ry veins at each side.Peduncle 1.2-3.0cm long,with
3-4scales;two bracts at perianth base deltoid,purple-
brown,ca.0.7cm long.Flower solitary;perianth cam-
panulate or widely campanulate,dark purplish red;
lobes 8,dark purplish red with yelow tips,slightly
curved to curved,subequal,ovate-triangular,5-9mm
long,3-6mm wide at base,with two keels running
separately down to middle of tube;tube 8-12mm
high,9-15mm across;stamens 8,inserted at lower
fifth of tube,filaments short,anthers oblong,2-3mm
long,1.5-2mm wide;pistil purple-red,obconical,ca.
6.5mm high,ovary inconspicuous,stigma with ca.24
smal marginal incisions,upper surface convex,8-11
mm in diam.,with inconspicuous shalow radial
grooves,lower surface with ca.24radial ridges.Fruit
unknown.Flowering November-December.
China.Guangxi:Fangchenggang City,Fangcheng
Region,Shiwandashan Natural Reserve,under ever-
green broaded-leaf forest,alt.551m,2010-11-27,L.
Wu,Y.F.Huang &Y.X.Zhu 3003(holotype,IBK;i-
sotype,GXMI);the same locality,alt.670m,2010-12-
15,L.Wu &D.X.Nong 3262(IBK).
Table 1 Comparison of Aspidistra arnautovii var.
angustifoliaand A.arnautovii var.arnautovii
Characters A.arnautovii var.angustifolia
A.arnautovii var.
Leaf blade  narrow lanceolate
to nearly linear,(20
Secondary veins ca.18  6,inconspicuous
Peduncle  ca.1.2-3.0cm  0.5(-1)cm
Stamens  inserted at lower
fifth of tube
inserted at lower third of
Upper surface
of stigma
convex,with incon-
spicuous  shalow
radial grooves
flat or shalowly convex,
with a cross figure of 4
fine radial whitish lines
and additionaly fine ra-
dial grooves
  Aspidistra arnautovi H.J.Tilich var.angusti-
folia L.Wu &Y.F.Huang is similar to A.arnautovi
H.J.Tilich var.arnautovi mainly by sharing creeping
rhizome,widely campanulate perianth,obconical pistil
and inconspicuous ovary.However,the former can be
easily distinguished from the latter by its much narro-
wer leaf blade.A comparison of the salient characters
of A.arnautovi var.angustifolia and A.arnautovi
var.arnautovi is shown in Table 1.The new variety is
widely distributed on the slopes under dense forest,and
adapted to subtropical monsoon climate.Furthermore,
it is distributed mainly in Shiwandashan Natural Re-
serve,Guangxi,growing wel in this area,and does not
need any additionaly special protections.
  Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to
Prof.WEI Fa-Nan(IBK)for latin diagnosis,to Prof.
LIU Yan(IBK)for his help in preparing the paper,to
Dr.ZHANG Qiang for improving English,and to Mr.
ZHU Yun-Xi(IBK)for the handsome drawing and field
assistance.We also thank Bureau of Shiwandashan Na-
tional Natural Reserve for their substantial support.
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3233期             吴磊等:中国广西蜘蛛抱蛋属一新变种

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