Allometric models of major tree species and forest biomass in Guangxi New Material of Polypodiaceae The Mossflora of Mt. Jiuwan, Guangxi and Its Significance in Dividing the Boundary Line Between Tropical and Subtropical Regions in China (To be continued) Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong et C. J. Chen—A New Cycad from China Chiritopsis lingchuanensis Yan Liu & Y. G. Wei, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China Impatiens macrovexilla var. yaoshanensis S. X. Yu, Y. L. Chen & H. N. Qin, a new variety of Balsaminaceae from Guangxi, China
Duo Genera Nova Gesneriacearum e Sina Australi A New Species of the Genus Phlegmariurus from Guangxi, China Analysis of water ecological footprint in guangxi based on ecosystem services Spatial distribution and change of vegetation carbon in Northwest Guangxi, China on the basis of vegetation inventory data Community characteristics in a chronosequence of karst vegetation in Mashan county, Guangxi Chirita pseudoheterotricha T. J. Zhou, B. Pan & W. B. Xu, A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China Study on Forest Site Quality Evaluation and Appropriate Choice of Tree Species for Sites of Daqingshan Experimental Base in Guangxi Spatial Patterns and Quantitative Dynamics of Erythrophleum fordii Populations at Damingshan Mountain, Guangxi A STUDY ON THE LITTERFALL AND SOIL FERTILITY OF THE DIFFERENT PLANTED FORESTS IN GUANGXI Evaluation of Tree Species of Plantation in Southwest Guangxi Chirita luzhaiensis, A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China The Characteristics of Eupatorium odoratum Community in Limestone Mountain Area of Long'an County in Guangxi Dalbergia jingxiensis S. Y. Liu(Papilionaceae), a New Species from Guangxi, China THREE NEW SPECIES OF OPHIOPOGON (LILIACEAE) FROM GUANGXI, CHINA Eight New Species of Elatostema(Urticaceae) from Guangxi Metapilea,a New Genus of Urticaceae from Guangxi A Comparative Identification of four Herbs Gynostemma spp.and Their Confused Species from Guangxi Biomass and carbon storage of communities in secondary karst forests in Mashan county, Guangxi Factors influencing the spatial distribution of vegetation carbon density in karst landscapes of Northwest Guangxi:a case study based on radial basis function network model Effect of soil fertility and topographic factors on woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, China Study of ecological security in Guangxi Province Biomass and its allocation characteristics of Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis plantations at different stand ages Changes of soil fertility and its comprehensive evaluation under different stands in typical types of soils in Guangxi Province Changes of vegetation net primary productivity and its driving factors from 2000 to 2011 in Guangxi, China Spatial heterogeneity of the main nutrients in Guangxi forest soils Regioanl-level scenario simulation of urban expansion and the ecological effects: the case of Guangxi Xijiang River Economic Belt, Southwest China TWO NEW SPECIES OF PAPILIONACEAE FROM GUANGXI Notes on the Genus Isachne R. Br. of China Two newly recorded genera of angiosperm from Guangxi Clamatis jingxiensis, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Guangxi Pellionia laibinensis, a new species of Urticaceae from Guangxi Notes on Elatostema G.Forst.(Urticaceae)from Guangxi Wrightoporia japonica(Basidiomycota,Bondarzewiaceae)new to China Preliminary study on seedling and afforestation of rare and endangered trees in karst region of Southwest Guangxi Three new species and one new variety of Elatostema J.R.& G.Forst.(Urticaceae)from Guangxi Study on moss flora of Maoershan Nature Reserve, Guangxi New records of Phalaenopsis(Orchidaceae)from Guangxi, China A new species, Fordiophyton damingshanense (Melastomataceae)from Guangxi Study on the yield factors and path analyses for perennial cultivation of upland cotton in Southern Guangxi Preliminary study on the Bryoflora in Napo County of Guangxi Didymoplexis vietnamica, a newly recorded species of Didymoplexis (Orchidaceae) from China Quercus arbutifolia, a new record species of Fagaceae in Guangxi Spore morphology of pteridophytes from Guangxi III.Pteridaceae New records for ferns from Guangxi, China Classification System of Wetland Vegetation in Guangxi Floristic analysis of seed plants in Lagou Nature Reserve of Guangxi An investigation on the resources of wild shade ornamental plants in Guangxi A new variety of Capparidaceae from Guangxi, China Lomagramma yunnanensis Ching, a new synonym from China Cytotaxonomic study on two species of the Arthropteris from Guangxi, China Cheirostylis serpens Aver., a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China Xanthocyparis Farjon & Hiep, a newly recorded genus of Cupressaceae from China Study on rapid propagation and germplasm conservation in vitro of five species of genus Gynostemma in Guangxi Ichtyoselmis Lidén & Fukuhara(Papaveraceae)——a new record of Guangxi Pellionia mollissima, a new species of Urticaceae from Guangxi Pellionia mollissima, a new species of Urticaceae from Guangxi Sustainable development of crop farming in Lingchuan County of Guangxi Ecological agriculture in Guangxi, China:its history, effectiveness, challenges and solutions Notes on the Genus Isachne R. Br. of China A new species of Magnolia(Magnoliaceae)from Guangxi, China A study on phenotypic diversity of Miscanthus sinensis natural population in Guangxi province New Materials of Palmae from China The characteristic of land changes in ecologically fragile Kast Areas: a case study in Northwest Guangxi, China Distribution of drought disaster area, acid paddy soil area and evaluation of drought resistance, salt tolerance crop resources in Guangxi coastal area Chirita leeii(Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China Distribution and harmful effects of alien invasive plant Parthenium hysterophorus in Guangxi A new variety of Chiritopsis(Gesneriaceae)from Guangxi, China——Chiritopsis glandulosa var.yangshuoensis Notes on Elaeocarpus(Elaeocarpaceae)from China Chirita lutea Yan Liu & Y.G.Wei,A New Species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi,China A New Species of the Genus Bulbophyllum(Orchidaceae) from China Current Status and Conservation Strategies of Wild Orchid Resources in Guangxi Yachang Forests Effects of Shrub-grass on Direct Seeding of Cyclobalanopsis glauca and Malania oleifera in Rocky Desertification Mountains in Southwest Guangxi Some New Taxa of Charophyta from Guangxi Fernandoa Welw. ex Seem.—A New Recorded Genus of Bignoniaceae in China

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