Photosynthetic responses of 14 native species of south China to auto-exhaust pollution Comparative Study on the Allelopathy of Invasive Species Solidago canadensis L. and Native Species Solidago decurrens Lour. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Kinetic Parameters of Bothriochloa ischaemum and Lespedeza davurica at Different Combination Ratios under Water Stress Ecological studies on bamboo expansion: process, consequence and mechanism An inventory of BVOC emissions for a subtropical urban-rural complex: Greater Taizhou Area The effects of removing dominant herbaceous species on woody seedling growth in Chromolaena odorata + Digitaria ciliaris community in Xishuangbanna, Solar Energy Utilization Efficiency of the Man-Made Forests in Heshan, Guangdong, China Dynamical simulation of alien invasion under sustained habitat change and its impact on native species THEORY AND PRACTICES FOR FOREST VEGETATION RESTORATION: NATIVE FOREST WITH NATIVE TREES-INTRODUCTION OF THE MIYAWAKI‘S METHOD FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF "ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOREST (ECOLOGICAL METHOD TO REFORESTATION)"

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