Spatial Pattern and Relation With the Topographical Factors of the Rare Pare Species at Dalaoling in the Three Gorges Region A Comparative Study on the Ecophysiological Characteristics of the Absorbing and Distributing 32P of Different Forest Successional Dominant Species Seedlings The S Distributon in Grazing System and its Biological Cycling The Distribution of Fagaceae in China and its Relationship with Climatic and Geographic Characters Gap Disturbance Regime in a Broadleaved-Korean pine Forest in the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve Analysis of Spatial Point Pattern for Plant Species Communities Structural Characteristic and Plant Distribution Pattern in Alpine kobresia Meadow, Haibei Region of Qinghai Province Characteristics of Vegetation Diversity in The Xinlin River Basin and Their Responses to Climatic Factors The Effects of Disturbance by Human Being on The Poulations of Castanopsis fragesii and Schima superba in Northern Fujian Province The Coupled Logistic Map Lattices of Describing Metapopulation dynamics Floristic Composition and Distribution in the Karakorum –Kunlun Mountains The Studies of Aspenrs of Biodiversity on Scrubs in the Warm Temperate Zone in China Patterns and Mathematical Models of Chinese-fir Productivity In China A Preliminary Study on the Structure and Dynamic of Pinus Kwangtungensis Population in Karst Mountain of Maolan, China Weibull D. B. H. Distributions and Their Dynamic Predictions in the Natural Uneven-Aged Evergreen Broad-leaf Juvenile Forest Studies on the Feasibility of SOD Activity as Bioindicators of SO2 Pollution Growth Characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis Populations in the Western Limit of its Distribution The Preliminarily Investigation on the Vertical Distribution of the Forest Vegetation on Hualongshan Mountain, Shaanxi Province Studies on Phenology and Spatial Distribution Pattern of Scirpus mariqueter Population Studies on the Ecological Geographic Distribution and Synecological Characteristics of Elaeagnus Mollis Sorub in Shanxi Province The study on Seed Rain Change of Stipa grandis Community in the Songnen Plain of China Analysis of Ecotypes and their Geographical Distribution of Wild Soybean (G. soja) in the World A Compatative Study on Relation between photosynthetic Rate of Aneurolepidium chinense and stipa grandis and Air Temperature at their Different Periods of Growth The Microbiological Effect and Decomposition of Litter of Aneurolepidium chinense and Stipa grandis Studies on the Relationships between Distribution of Orthopterans and Vegetation Types in the Xilin River Basin District, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region A Comparative Study of the Community Photosynthesis of Aneurolepidium chinense and stipa grandis Distribution and Succession of Vegetation in the Sandy Zone of the Baiyinxile Livestock Farm, Xilinguole League The Feature and Rule of Formation of Aboveground Biomass of Stipa grandis Steppe Preliminary Discussion of Vegetation Succession and Climate Change Since the Holocene in the Baiyangdian Lake District The Dispersion of Korean Pine Seeds and the Effect on Natural Regeneration in the Mixed Korean Pine and Broad-Leaved Tree Forest of the Xiaoxingan Mountains A Brief Report on the Forest Vegetations in Baizha Region of Qinghai Province The Ecological Distribution of Genus Glycyrrhiza and Its Utilization in Xinjiang An Approach to Estimating Respiration of Forest Community and Its Application Spatial Distribution Pattern of Cathaya argyrophylla Population Anatomical Observation on Differentiation and Granulation Processes of Juice Sacs in Citrus grandis Distribution Characteristics of Patch Sizes in the Vegetation Landscape in Beijing Systemic Acquired Disease Resistance and Signal Transduction in Plant The C4 Plants in Inner Mongolia and Their Eco-geographical Characteristics Study on the CO2 release Rate of Soil Respiration and Litter Decomposition in Stipa grandis Steppe in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia Distribution Patterns of Chinese Beech (Fagus L.) Species in Relation to Topography Inducible Expression of Translation Elongation Factor 1A Gene in Rice Seedlings in Response to Environmental Stresses Microdissection and PCR Amplification of Single Soybean Chromosome X- ray Energy Spectra Analysis of Lanthanum in Tissue Cells of Defferent Parts of Wheat Plant Comparative Study of the Photooxidative Response in Leaf Discs from Plants with Different Photosynthetic Pathways Studies on Microdissection and Microcloning of the Rye Chromosome 1R Genotypic Mapping Using RFLP Markers on Doubled Haploids Derived from a Cross Between indica and japonica Rice A Model of Precipitation Redistribution Within a Three-Leveled Sandy Grassland Landscape Effect of Seedling Transplantation on the14CO2 Assimilation and the Apportionment of 14C ssimilations Within the Cotton Plant Interplanted in Standing Wheat Microdissection and Recovery of 1R Chromosome in Rye ( Secale cereale ) Differential Expression of MADS-box Genes in the Morphogenesis of Calli in Rice Photosynthetic Characteristics of an Albino Mutant (zb/zb) in Maize Dynamics of Primary Productivity and Soil Organic Matter of Typical Steppe in the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia and Their Response to Climate Change Electrophoretic Survey of Proteins and Esterase Isozyme in Wheat×Maize Progenies Distorted Segregations of RFLP Markers and Their Distribution on Chromosomes in an indica/japonica F2 Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Effect of Cold Hardening on SOD and Glutathion Reductase Activities and on the Contents of the Reduced Form of Glutathion and Ascorbic Acid in Rice and Cucumber Seedlings Steroidal Glycosides from Aspidistra leshanensis K. Y. Lang et Z. Y. Zhu The Characterization of Antagonistic Bacterium A014 and Its Antibacterial Proteins Vascular Bundle Distribution Within Broad Bean Seed Coat and the Structure of Unloading Region A Comparative Study of PEPC Activity of Green Organs in C3 Plant The Bryophytes of the King George Island, Antarctica The Effect of Light and Hormones on Leaf Senescence Cytochemieal Observation on Garlic Clove before and after Temperature-Modulated Break of Dormancy Study on the Superoxide Dismutase of Soybean Seeds from Different Species in Subgenus Structural and Histochemical Studies of Vegetative Apex in Torreya grandis The Fine Structural Observation on the Development of Embryo and Endosperm in the Intergene- rfc Crosses of Fadish ♀ (Raphanus sativus L.) Cabbageo ♂ (Brassica oleracea L.) The Fragrance Components of the Jasrninnm sambac (L.) Alton collected by Simultaneous Steam Distillation and Solvent Extraction Studies on the Distribution Characteristic of Mineral Elements in the Stem of Pinus tabulaeformis The Significance of the Found Fossil Species of Wodehouseia in China Anatomy of the Secondary Phloem and the Crystalliferous Phloem Fibers in the Stem of Torreya grandis PREDICTING POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF DOMINANT WOODY PLANT KEYSTONE SPECIES IN A NATURAL TROPICAL FOREST LANDSCAPE OF BAWANGLING, HAINAN ISLAND, SOUTH CHINA PROPERTIES OF COMMUNITY STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY DESCRIBED BY MEAN LENGTH OF HUFFMAN CODE POTENTIAL GLOBAL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THREE LARCH (LARIX) SPECIES IN NORTHEASTERN CHINA IMPACTS OF TOPOGRAPHY ON THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF THE AGE OF FOREST COMMUNITY SIMULATION OF NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN KAOKAOLAIGOU WATERSHED, CHINA PARTITIONING OF NIGHT SAP FLOW OF ACACIA MANGIUMAND ITS IMPLICATION FOR ESTIMATING WHOLE-TREE TRANSPIRATION INVOLVEMENT OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN BETACYANIN ACCUMULATION INDUCED BY DARK IN LEAVES OF SUAEDA SALSA PREDICTING SPECIES′ POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION—SVM COMPARED WITH GARP RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HABITATS AND COMMUNITIES OF SUBALPINE MEADOW ON MT. XIAOWUTAI, NORTH CHINA INTERACTION AMONG CLIMATIC CHANGE, FIRE DISTURBANCE AND ECOSYSTEM PRODUCTIVITY