Phenolic acid and glycosides from rhizomes of Cibotium barometz Characteristics of Heavy Metal Accumulation of Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. New hydrolysable tannin from Cibotium barometz Observation on gametophyte development of Cibotium barometz Allelopathic effects of companion species on spore germination and gametophyte development in Cibotium barometz Study on decoction‘s effect of different processed rhizomes of Cibotium barometz on retinoic acid induced male rats osteoporosis Comparative Research on the Constituents of the VolatileOil in the Rhizome of Citotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. and Its Procesaed Products Investigation on resource and quality assessment of Cibotii Rhizoma Analysis on sublimation and volatile components of Cibotium barometz using UPLC/Q-TOF-MS A novel phenolic glycoside from Cibotium barometz Detection on effect of different processed Cibotium barometz on osteoblasts by CCK-8 Chemical reaction and products in processed Cibotium barometz Gametophyte Development and Its Diversity in Cibotium barometz Analysis of Genetic Diversity of the Rare and Endangered Species Cibotium barometz by SRAP Markers