Iris Cultivars‘Azure Pinwheel’and‘Chic Leopard’ New Iris dichotoma Cultivars‘Footstone’and‘Snow Honey’ New Iris dichotoma Cultivars‘Footstone’and‘Snow Honey’ The studies of morphological variations and karyotype on three Iris dichotoma with different flower colors Iris Cultivars‘Azure Pinwheel’and‘Chic Leopard’ Quantitative Determination of Mangiferin in Rhizoma Belamcandae and Its Substitute of Iris L. Studies on Inter-generic Compatibility of Iris dichotoma and Belamcanda chinensis and Their Hybrids Identification Studies on Inter-generic Compatibility of Iris dichotoma and Belamcanda chinensis and Their Hybrids Identification Chemical constituents of Iris dichotoma