Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Pollen Anti-oxidative Capacity and Post-pollination Kernel Development of Maize Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Seedling Growth of Tomato under NaCl Stress Effects of Exogenous Chlorine on the Growth and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings Effects of NaCl Stress on the Contents of the Substances Regulating Membrane Lipid Oxidation and Osmosis and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grafted Cucumber Pteridophyte Flora in Xiaoqinling Mountain Nature Reserve of Henan Province Preliminary Study of Moss Flora in the Upper Reaches of Luanhe River Algae Composition and Temporal and Spatial Distributions in Huaishahe River-Huaijiuhe River Nature Reserve Pteridophyte Flora in the Area under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Genetic Diversity of Basal Germplasm Phenotypes in Upland Cotton in China Photosynthetic and Transpiration Features of Turf Grasses under Drought Effects of Sulphur and Nitrogen Combined Application on Kernel-Starch Characteristics in Wheat Varieties with Weak Gluten cDNA-AFLP and Its Application in Research about Gene Expressions of Plants SRAP and TRAP Markers and their Application to Research about Horticultural Plants Program of Xylem Cell Differentiation Chemical Constituents of Bolbostemma paniculatum Comparison of Stomatal Features of Octoploid Tritielytrigia Varities and Triticum aestivum Varieties with Different Water Requirements Effects of Zinc on Two Phytoplanktons in Fresh Water Effects of Shading on Growth and Photosynthetic Capabilities of Tobacco Leaves of Cigar-wrapper Use Effects of Sodium and Calcium Salt Stresses on Strawberry Photosynthesis Spatial Distribution Pattern of Populus euphratica Populations in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Spatial Dynamics of Plant Community Structures in Natural Pinus yunnanensis Forest Region Optimized Grazing Intensity of Yak in Alpine Kobresia parva Meadow Tissue Structure and Near-infrared Reflectivity and Their Affecting Factors of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Photosynthetic Characteristics of Six Plant Species in Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Community at Huoditang Forest Region of Qinling Mountains Relations between Carbonic Anhydrase Activities and Photosynthetic Rates in the Leaves and Pods of Plants Allelopathic Effects of Salicylic Acid Stress on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Osmosis-regulating Substances in Different Chinese Fir Clones Factors Affecting Embryoid Induction and Formation of Cabbage Anthers in Culture Effects of Moisture-retaining Irrigation on Yield Composition and Physiological Characters of Winter Wheat in Canal Irrigation Region Taxonomy of Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) Plants in Qinling Mountains Pteridophytes Floristic Phytogeography in Mt. Ailaoshan Nature Reserve of Yunnan, China Seed Plant Florae in Mabian Dafengding National Nature Reserve Community Structure and Species Diversity in Liangucheng Nature Reserve of Minqin County Photosynthetic Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Betula platyphylla-Quercus liaotungensis Mixed Forests in Ziwuling Forest Area Transgenic Tobacco with Transferred the Gene (LeIRT2)of Tomato Iron Carrier Protein Through Agrobacterium Me-diation Advances in Loci Mapping and Analysis of Quantitative Traits of Crops Morphological and Physiological Disorders of Cotton Resulting from Potassium Deficiency Multidimensional Nature of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase in Plants Self-pollen Recognition and Rejection in Flowering Plants A New Form of the Genus Lancea from Qinghai,China Effects of 30% Diethyl-Amino-Ethyle-Hexanoate·Ethephon Soluble Concentrate on Roots Bleeding Sap and Its Com-ponents of Zea mays Use of ITS Sequences Based on Nuclear rDNA for Phylogenetic Research of Seed Plants Enzymes and Corresponding Genes in Ergot Alkaloid Biosynthetic Pathways Regulation Mechanism of Nitric Oxide to Plant Growth and Development Construction of the High-efficiency in Vitro Regeneration System for Two Cucumis melo Cultivars Effects of Different Calcium Fertilizers on Fruit Quality and Ca2+-ATPase Activity of Red Fuji Apple Relation between Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism in Pepper Origin of Vesicular Inclusions in the Vacuoles of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Megasporogenesis and Gametophyte Microsporogensis as Well as Male and Female Gametophyte Development of Saposhnikovia divaricata Phylogenetic Review of Ceratophyllaceae Advances in Hedysarum (Leguminosae) Phylogenetic Classification Ecological Relationship of Garden Plants in Beijing--A Case of Rose Garden in Taoranting Analysis of Essential Oil from Seriphidium transiliense by GC-MS Effect of Different Extraction Conditions on Rutin Hydrolysis of Fagopyrum tataricum Seeds Structures and Diversity of Insect Communities under Different Types of Vegetation Rehabilitations of the Hilly and Gully Loess Regions Classification and Ranking of the Forae Naturally Recuperating on the Farming-Withdrawn Land in the Hilly and Gully Regions of the Loess Plateau Water Use Strategies and Corresponding Leaf Physiological Performance of Three Desert Shrubs Spatial Growth Differences of Planted Populus simonii and Their Ecological Effects on Soil Moisture in Hilly Loess Regions Position Study of the Relations between Vegetation Degeneration and Annual Rainfall in the Sand Region of Minqinxian County Relationship of the Protective Enzymes of Desert Vegetations with Water Table in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Comparison of Soil Desiccations in Natural and Acacia Forests in the Ziwuling Mountain of the Loess Plateau Biochemical Markers and Microspore Cytochrome Oxidase of the Male Sterile Line of NIAN-type Wheat Micro-satellite Primers Shared by Different Plant Species and Genera Optimization of the Regeneration Protocol of Rosa canina cv.‘Edelcaninas’Meristem Construction of the AFLP Analysis System for Actinidia Genome Chromosomal Positioning of the Genes of Water Use Efficiency and Concerned Physiological Traits in Wheat Leaves Virus-induced Gene Silencing in Tobacco Ultra-structure of the Inclusions of the Vacuoles in the Infected Cells of Onobrychis viciifolia Root Nodules Development of Vascular Bundles in Aloe arborescens Leaves Pattern and Dynamics of the Spatial Population Distribution of Endangered Abies chensiensis Grading Responses of Clonal Kobresia humilis to Grass Cutting Classification of the Branching Architectures of the Desert Plants in Minqin County Seed Dispersal Patterns of Artemisia halodendron Growing in the Dune-shifting Habitats Preliminary Study of the Mechanisms of Natural Vegetation Regeneration in Arid Desert Regions Diversity of Leguminous Rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China Effect of NaCl Stress on Na+ and K+ Uptakes by Different Organs of Pistachio Effects of Different Fertilizations on the Nitrate Contents in the Fruits and Soil of Greenhouse Cherrytomato Relationships between Flagleaf and Spike Photosynthesis and Drought Tolerance of Wheat Ozone Effects on Chlorophyll Content and Lipid Peroxidation in the in Situ Leaves of Winter Wheat The Response of Cultivated Nostoc flagelliforme to Salt Stress Photosynthetic Rates and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Nitraria tangutorum at Different Leaf Water Potentials