Study on inhibitory effect of aqueous extract of Taxus chinensis var. mairei on growth of A549 lung cancer xenografts in nude mice and its mechanism Antitumor effects of curcumin and oxaliplatin combination on xenografts of human colon cancer LoVo cells in nude mice Inhibitory effect of p-hydroxylcinnamaldehyde from Momordicae Semen on growth of mouse melanoma xenograft in vivo andstudy on its mechanism Effect of Celastrus orbiculatus extract on growth and apoptosis-related protein expressions of human gastric adenocarcinoma SGC-7901 cell xenografts in nude mice Inhibition of emodin on xenografted human K562 cells in nude mice and regulation on relationship of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 expression Effect of peiminine on enhancing anti-tumor activity of adriamycin on multi-drug resistance of gastric cancer xenografts in nude mice and its mechanism