Factors that Influence in vitro Plant Regeneration of Photinia fraseri Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryo Explants in Quercus acutissima Carr. Influence of Vitrifying Cryopreservation Conditions on Cell Viability and Ultrastructure of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Normal Buds Coupling Relationship between Species Diversity of Planted Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) Communities and Environment Factors in Mountain Area of Shangluo Effect of Introducing Biennial Legume Species,Melilotus officinalis,on Plant Community in the Early Stage of Vegetation Succession and Soil Nutrients in the Semiarid Loess Plateau of China Comparative Research on Drought Resistance of 8 Common Garden Ground Cover Plants in South China Distribution and Community Characteristics of Invasive Xanthium spinosum in Xinjiang Spatial Distribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi,Soil Factors and Glomalin in the Rhizosphere of Amorpha fruticosa Grown on the Loess Plateau Immunofluorescent Observation of Micro tubule Cytoskeleton in Root Tip Cells of Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Drought Resistance Evaluation and Leaf Structures of Ten Species of Broad-leaved Ornamental Plants in Yan’an Urban Area Plant Regeneration from Hypocotyl Protoplast Culture of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.var capitata) Centrifugation Purification and Protoplasts Electrofusion of Reynoutria japonica Effects of Different Types of Aegilops Cytoplasm on Protein Contents and Components in Wheat Kernels Floristic analysis of seed plants in Ziwuling Forest Region Plant resources with antimicrobial activities in Xinjiang of China Study on doubled CO2 concentration reduce the inhibition of enhanced UV-B radiation on tomato in plastic greenhouse Anther culture and plant regeneration of Robinia hispida Germplasm resource and habitat types of Seabuckthorn in China The vegetation productivity model to water in the gully-hilly Loess Plateau area Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Peganum harmala Screening and characterizing of hydroxyproline-resistant variants in Lycium barbarum and analysis of its salt tolerance Comparison of antioxidative system in Kobresia humilis grown at different altitudes on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau A preliminary study on community characteristics of Pinus tabulaeformis f. shekannesis on Loess Plateau The influence of disturbance on community structure and plant diversity of alpine meadow In vitromicropropagation of Amorpha fruticosa The analysis on the tropical geographical elements of the seed plant flora in the Qinling Mt. The growing character of sugar beet leaf and its effect on yield and sugar content in beet root in Loess plateau Study on simulated vitro digestibility of 2 species sedge family herbage grown at different altitudes in Tibetan Plateau Starch granules related to the development of chloroplasts in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Effects of seed dressing in plant nutrient on the senescence of roots after anthesis and yield in dry land wheat on high yield The studies on the flora of seed plants in Tianyuhe River- Valley in Qinling Mountains Studies on flora diversity of the seed plants in Heng Mountain nature reseave,Shanxi A mathematical model on procedure of some physiology and biochemical during aging of Chinese Fir seed Regulation of plant growth regulator on leaves senescence and yield constitutions of wheat Evaluation of lodging resistance and relation and pathanalysis of lodging resistance traits in wheat Production of transgenic millet plants via particle bombardment Studies on the aquatic vascular plant communities and ecological characteristics in Heihe valley Effectof IAA on soybean seedling Effects of supplementary radiation of UV-B and red light on fruit quality of tomato in winter plastic greenhouse Effects of elevated atmospheric CO_2 concentrations on growth of plants Near-infrared spectroscopy applied in classification of Ferulineae Study on mechanism of high yield of salt-tolerant wheat with the plastic film mulching cultivation in saline soils RFLP analysis of mtDNAs among three types of cytoplasmic male sterility and their F_1 hybrids in wheat Studies on the characteristics of element contents of altifrigetic subnival vegetation at the source area of Urumqi River EMBRYOLOGY OFSWERTIA ERYTHROSTICTA MAXIM. The characteristics of the woody plants flora in Bailongjiang Watershed Study on diversity of seed plants from Niubeiliang Nature Reserve Discussing issues about establishing vegetation on Loess Plateau according to the law of community Studies on the cell development and its function of microsporangium epiderm in Plantycladus orientalis Effect of alteration of source-sink relationship on endogenous hormones in cotton leaves STUDIES ON TISSUE AND RAPID PROPAGATION PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM VAR. LATIUSCULUM STUDIES ON THE TISSUE AND CELL CULTURE OF SOPHORA JAPONICA L. STUDIES ON THE WILD ECONOMIC PLANT RESOURCES AND ITS UTILIZATION IN GANSUHEXI A STUDY ON ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES AND STEMS OF FIVE ALPINE PLANTS USED FOR TIBETAN MEDICINE IN QINGHAI-TIBETAN PLATEAU STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL COMPONENTS AND SIBSHIPOF AFRICAN WATERMELON GERMPLASM PLANT REGENERATION FROM CALLUS PROTOPLASTSOF LOTUS CORNICULATUS L. STUDY ON THE CULTURE OF DIFFERENT EXPLANTS OF MISCANTHUS SACCHARIFLORUS(MAXIM.)BENTH ET HOOK IN VITRO A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ELEMENT BACKGROUND OF PLANTS ON THE XIZANG PLATEAU STUDIES ON POPULATION STRUCTURE OF PAEONIA SUFFRUTICOSA ANDR,VAR.SPONTANEA REHD. THE STUDY ON CELL LIPID OVER-OXIDATION INJURIES AND CHANGES OF PLASMALEMMA ULTRASTRUCTURE IN TYPICAL SALINE PLANTS CARYOPHYLLACEAE IN LOESS PLATEAU FROM CHINA HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE HYPOCOTYL OF CABBAGE IN TISSUE CULTURES MORPHOGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHLOROPLASTS IN ANTHERS OF HORDEUM VULGARE CLASSIFICATION EVALUATION AND BENIFICIAL ANALYSIS OF LOESS PLATEAU GRASSLAND CHANGES IN RESPIRATORY PATHWAYS OF GA_3-TREATED ABSCISSION ZONE TISSUE IN RELATION TO ABSCISSION THE INFLUENCE OF EXTRANEOUS HORMONES ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF LEAFEXPLANT OF Saintpaulia ionantha Wendi. IN VITRO PLANTLET REGENERATION AND HISTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION IN THE TISSUE CULTURES OF CORCNILLA VARIA Screening host factors that interact with Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus MP using yeast two-hybrid system Different susceptibility of 35 species composite plants to fluazifop-butyl Behavioral responses of Dialeurodes citri to leaves and their volatiles of citrus cultivars Protoplast preparation of Trichoderma taxi ZJUF0986 and screening of resistant mutants Selectivity and mechanism of Didesmococcus koreanus Borchs on eight host plants The feeding and oviposition behaviors of Bemisia tabaci Effects of green-yellow light with three different wavelengths on theoviposition biology of Spodoptera exigua Impact of Bt rice grain on the development of red flour beetle,Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae Biological characteristics of Alternaria tenuissima,the pathogen of barley leaf blight Alleopathy research progress on an invasive weed, Ageratina adenophora Sprengel Screening of mutation high-yielding biocontrol bacterium Bs-916 by ion implantation and the effect of inhibiting pathogenes and controlling disease Strategies to counter the invasion of exotic and harmful plant pests Molecular identification and detection of Eucalyptus yellowing and witches-broom phytoplasma in Guangdong