Studies on Betaine in Differently Processed of Achyranthes bidentata Bl Recognition of spikes of Schizonepeta tenuifolia from different area based on backpropagation neural network coupled with dimension reduction of principal component analysis Content detemination of total tannin in Smilax glabra with reddish brown and off-white colored cross section Effects of different extracting methods on total saponins extraction efficacy from Smilax china Study on limit detection of flavones in diterpene ginkgolides meglumine injection materials by LC-MS and HPLC-DAD UV-Vis Spectrum Differences of Polyphenols between Yellow and Black Seed Coats of Brassica juncea UV-Vis and UPLC fingerprint analysis on various medicinal parts of Gentiana rhodantha and resource evaluation Effects of different extracting methods ontotal saponins extraction efficacy from Smilax china Preparation of rutin-Cu2+ complex imprinted polymer and its adsorption character

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