Effects of Liuwei Dihuang Jiawei Capsula on renal protein kinase C activity and connective tissue growth factor of diabetic nephropathy rats Renoprotective effects of glycyrrluzin on experimental glomerulosclerosis in rats Effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial tissue immediate early gene and connective tissue growth factor in rats with hepatic cirrhosis Effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pills on myocardial tissue immediate early gene and connective tissue growth factor in rats with hepatic cirrhosis Effect of Notoginseng Radix on expression quantity of TGF-β1/ Smads and CTGF mRNA in rats with alcoholic liver disease Intervention of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide combined with metformin on AGEs and CTGF in thoracic aorta of diabetic rats