The Function and Role of Microbial Agents in Composting Technology of Garden Waste Vermicomposting of different organic materials and three-dimensional excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopic characterization of their dissolved organic matter. Effects of superphosphate addition on NH3 and greenhouse gas emissions during vegetable waste composting. Corn straw composting in the field and in situ fertilizer effect. Effects of different perlite additions on physical and chemical properties of sewage sludge compost and growth of Tagetes patula. Effect of Oxytetraeyeline (OTC) on the activities of enzyme and microbial community metabolic profiles in composting Selection of vegetable seeds native in China instead of the cress seed for evaluating the maturity of biosolids Recycling rate of N and P through a feeding-composting cycle and their recoveries in agro-ecosystems Effects of microbial agents on NH3 emission during pig manure composting Changes of organic acids in composting of hen feces and dairy manure Changes of main enzymes activities of pig manure during composting General situation of studies on grassland application of municipal sludge compost Influences of applying stalk compost on the nutrient of field soil and corn yield of black soil Aerobic and thermophilic composting technology of solid organic waste Effects of effective microorganisms (EM) compost on summer maize growth and development Relationship between community of soil mites and environmental factors in farmland Effects of earthworms on growth and antioxidant enzyme system of turfgrasses grown in municipal solid waste compost Effect of heavy metal Cu on compost materials property and oxidoreductase activity during pig waste composting Process of high-temperature compost of sheep manure with addition of wheat straw Increasing nitrogen conservation by adding urease inhibitor NBPT to chicken compost manure Enzyme activity as affected by surfactant APG in dairy manure compost in bioreactor The effects of environmental factors on aerobic composting for pig dung Effect of bulking agent and aeration on sewage sludge composting process