Relationship Between Embryo and Endosperm Development and Accumulation of Storage Reserves in Barley Embryological Studies on Sagittaria guayanensis H. B. K. Subsp. lappula (D. Don) Bojin (Alismataceae) Epigenetic Regulation in Plant Endosperm Development Embryo and Endosperm Development in Isatis Tinctoria L. and the Histochemical Study of Its Storage Reserve A Preliminary Observation on the Double Fertilization and Post-Fertilization Development of Ypsilandra thibetica Franch Effects of Different Air Temperature in Different Cropping Years on Development of Seed Endosperm and Germination Characteristics in ‘Over-expression OsPIN1a’and Wild Type Rice Studies on Endosperm Development and Deposition of Storage Reserves in Coix lacryma-jobi Studies on the relativity between lacquer trees embryo endosperm development and its flowering fruiting Cloning and tissue expression analysis of HvC4H gene in hulless barley