Advances in Phylogenomics Based on Complete Chloroplast Genomes Using nuclear gene data for plant phylogenetics: Progress and prospects II. Next-gen approaches Animal phylogeny and large-scale sequencing: progress and pitfalls Taxon sampling and the accuracy of phylogenetic analyses Chloroplast phylogenomics resolves key relationships in ferns Phylogenomics of polyploid Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) by RAD-tag based GBS—insights into species origin and effects of software pipelines Microfluidic PCR-based target enrichment: A case study in two rapid radiations of Commiphora (Burseraceae) from Madagascar Phylogenetics of early branching eudicots: comparing phylogenetic signal across plastid introns, spacers, and genes Conflicting gene trees and phylogenomics Plastid genome sequencing, comparative genomics and phylogenomics: Current status and prospects Essentials of pharmacophylogeny: knowledge pedigree, epistemology and paradigm shift

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