Investigation on Histological Observation and Protective Enzyme Activities in Ear Rot of Maize (Zea mays L. ) after Fusarium moniliforme Infection Identification of Penicillium oxalicum A1 Strain and Antagonistic Effects on Four Species of Fusarium Pathogen of Apple Identification of Penicillium oxalicum A1 Strain and Antagonistic Effects on Four Species of Fusarium Pathogen of Apple IDENTIFICATION AND PATHOGENICITY OF THE PATHOGENS OF CORN EAR OR KERNEL ROT A Preliminary Study on the Resistance to Fusarium Stalk Rot in Corn Inbred Lines A Preliminary Study on the Inheritance of the Resistance of Opaque-2 Maize to Ear Rot Caused by Fusarium moniliforme STUDY ON EFFECT OF MONILIFORMIN ON CORN EMBRYONIC ROOT GROWTH Effects of chitosan on Fusarium moniliforme and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Resistance of Fusarium moniliforme rice bakanae disease pathogen to 3 fungicides for seed-treatment and competition ability of resistant strains