Study on cutting propagation techniques of medicinal Chysanthemum morifrom Hangzhou Effects of phosphogypsum extracts on seed physiology and seedlings growth of pea Studies on the polyamines and indole acetic acid metabolism under the stress of sweet potato scab Mechanism of Repairation of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on "Root-bending" in Wheat Seedling Induced by Enhanced Ultraviolet-B The possible mechanisms underlying improvement of soil auxin content by bacterial-feeding nematodes in a gnotobiotic microcosm experiment Control of Negative Gravitropism and Tension Wood Formation by Gibberellic Acid and Indole Acetic Acid in Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica Maxim Seedlings Study on cutting propagation techniques of medicinal Chrysanthemum morifolium from Hangzhou Effect of Potassium Deficiency on Root Growth of Cotton(Gossipium hirsutum L.)Seedlings and Its Physiological Mechanisms Involved