Studies on the Response of Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterile(PGMS) Rice to Photoperiod and Temperature Variability of Anther Culture and the Technology Strategies for Developing Pract ical Photoperiod Sensitive Male Sterile Rice A STUDY ON THE DIAPAUSE OF EOTETRANYCHUS POPULI (KOCH) Validation and Characterization of Ghd7.1, a Major Quantitative Trait Locus with Pleiotropic Effects on Spikelets per Panicle, Plant Height, and Heading Date in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) In Vitro Culture of Different Explants from Hubei Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice STUDY OF THE NUMBER AND ALLELISM OF RESTORING GENES IN PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE Chromosomal Localization of Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Genes Using Rice Primary Trisomics Observation on the microspore abortion of photoperiod- sensitive male sterilemiliet (Setaria italica) 683 STUDIES ON RELATIONS BETWEEN FERTILITY TRANSFORMATION OF NONGKEN 58s AND IAA OXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE Microspore Abortion and Levels of Organic free Radicals in Anthers of Male-Sterile Rice Clone and Quantitative Analysis by Real-Time RT-PCR of Photoperiod Sensitive Gene Hd6-Like in Maize CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES OF PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES IN HUBEI PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALESTERILE RICE AT THE STAGES OF PANICLE AND POLLEN DEVELOPMENT THE CHANGE OF THE CATIONIC PEROXIDASE IN THE LEAVES AT THE FERTILE TRANSFORMATION PERIOD IN HPGMR NONGKEN 58s