EFFECT OF THE POPULATION COMPLEX OF WILD OATS AND BASTARD CRESS ON WHEAT YIELD RELATION BETWEEN ENERGY BALANCE, WATER USE STATUS AND WHEAT YIELD Effect of wheat cultivar mixtures on wheat yield and stripe rust Interactive influence of nitrogen and phosphorus application rate on wheat yield in North Henan, China RELATION BETWEEN STRUCTURE OF TREE BELT AND WHEAT YIELD IN Paulownia WHEAT INTEGRATED SYSTEM SIMULATED STUDY ON MUTUAL EFFECT TO MOISTURE AND FERTILIZER AND YIELD Study on the relationship between soil nutrient and spring wheat yield and optimum fertilization Effect of a long-term organic fertilization on wheat yield and soil fertility on Loess Plateau Effects of different amount of maize straw returning on soil fertility and yield of winter wheat Effect of conservation tillage on wheat yield and soil physicochemical properties in the south of Loess Plateau N uptake and yield response of wheat in main wheat production regions of China Effects of value-added urea on wheat yield and N use efficiency and the distribution of residual N in soil profiles Effects of long-term applying micronutrients fertilization on wheat yield and N and P uptake in dryland of Loess Plateau Effects of organic-inorganic rubbish-mixed fertilizer on the soil physical and chemical characters and wheat yield Effects of long-term surface mulching and N addition on winter wheat yield and soil properties Optimum regression model of temperature-heat-wheat yield Effects of different fertilization schemes on growth, accumulation andtransportation of nutrient elements and yield of wheat in lime-concretedblack soil region Effect of sowing date on agronomic, physiologic and yieldindicators of wheat in North Henan Province Changes in NDVI and yield of winter wheat cultivars with different plant types The effects of climate change on dryland wheat production under different tillage systems Effects of different soil tillage systems on weed biodiversity and wheat yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) field Effects of Sowing Date, Density and Nitrogen Application Amount on Nitrogen Utilization Rate of Guangmingmai 1 Grown in Rice–Wheat System The effect of poplar-crop intercropping space on wheat growth and yield Variation of ozone concentration of winter wheat field and mechanistic analysis of its possible effect on wheat yield in Northwest-Shandong Plain of China