The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Camellia euphlebia Study on Leaf Anatomy and Photosynthesis of Cymbidium sinense Characteristics of photosynthetic and transpiration of three common afforestation species in the Loess Plateau Analysis of Primary Light Response Parameters of Machilus pauhoi from Different Provenances Responses of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Light Intensity and CO2 Concentration in Leaves of Wild and Cultivar Artemisia annua An analysis of photosynthetic parameters among Schima superba provenances Photosynthetic Responses to Light Intensity in Intact Leaves of Some Coastal Desert and Tropical Rain Forest Plant Species in Atmospheres with Different CO2 Concentrations Photosynthetic characteristics of diploid and tetraploid radish(Raphanus sativus L .) Light Response Characteristics of Azadirachta indica Provenances in Different Growing Seasons Within Crowns Experiment with effects of increased surface ozone concentration upon winter wheat photosynthesis STUDIES ON SOME PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN LEAVES OF MEI TREE (PPRUNUS MUME) PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PURE ARTIFICIAL LARIX OLGENSlS FOREST AND ITS MIXED FOREST WITH NATURAL FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA RUPR.MIXED FOREST Photosynthetic Characteristics of Some Anemone Species at Reproductive Growth Stage Study on Photosynthesis and Water Physiology of Cinnamomum septentrionale

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