Effects of large filtering zooplankton—Daphnia pulex on phytoplankton communities in a small tropical Lake Planktothricoides,A Newly Recorded Genus of Water Bloom Forming Cyanophyta in China Inhibitory Effect of Algae Growth and HPLC Analysis of Allelochemicals from Stephania tetrandra The catastrophic model of water bloom:a case study on Lake Chaohu Inhibitory Effect of Extract from Galla chinensis on the Growth of Microcystis aeruginosa Isolation of a strong antialgal Streptomyces strain and study on its antialgal activities AN INVESTIGATION ON MICROCYSTIS ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT AND EXPERIMENT ON PREVENTION AND RESTRAINT OF WATER BLOOM IN PONDS Experiments of mixed culture and calculation of competitive parameters between Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) and Scenedesmus (Green algae)