Species Diversity and Temporal-spatial Distribution of Benthic Diatoms in Jianjiang River, Guangdong Province Comparison of Benthic Diatom Assemblages from Mangrove and Reed Wetland in Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China Multiple Regression and Prediction Between Diatoms and Environmental Factors in Songhua River, Harbin Applications of diatom in river health assessment: A review. Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Gahai Lake,Gansu Province The effects of light, nutrient and co-existing diatom on colony formation of Phaeocystis globosa Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Kanasi in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Freshwater Diatoms from Kinmen Island in Fujian,China Preliminary Studies on Diatoms from Chongming East Beach Relationship Between Surface Sediment Diatoms and Summer Water Quality in Shallow Lakes of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Causes and Consequences of Changes in Nutrient Structure in the Jiaozhou Bay Nanodiatoms from Xiamen Harbour (I) Formation and Growth of Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux Regenerated from Its Protoplasts Miocene Diatoms from the Shanwang Basin of Shandong Province and Analysis by Fuzzy Mathematics of the Paleoenvironment Environment Analysis of the Common Fossil Diatoms from the Sediments of the China Sea SOME FRESHWATER CENTRICAE DIATOMS FROM ANHUI AND HEILONGJIANG, CHINA DISTRIBUTION OF CHLOROPHYLL AND BENTHIC DIATOMS IN THE INTERTIDAL FLAT AROUND XIAMEN