Comprehensive evaluation of improving effects of different organic wastes on a newly reclaimed cultivated land. Effect of temperature on efficiency of Eisenia foetida vermicomposting on organic-waste-mixed municipal sludge Research on Substrates as Peat Substitute for Cut Flower Production of Oriental Lily Physicochemical changes and maturity evaluation of solid organic waste compost Eco-engiaeering for utillzation of Chinese agricultural organic waste Application of CO2 enrichment by agricultural wastes composting in greenhouses and its environmental benefits Effects of composting with earthworm on the chemical and biological properties of agricultural organic wastes: A principal component analysis. The promoting effect of monosodium glutamate wastewater combined with microorganism inoculant on tomato growth in medium culture Aerobic and thermophilic composting technology of solid organic waste Energy,Material and Value Transfer and Utilization in Multi-grade utilization of Organic Waste Materials Research on Substrates as Peat Substitute for Cut Flower Production of Oriental Lily

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