Suitable Individual Growth Environment for the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Influence of the Spatial Structure of tress,etc. on the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Influence of Community Structural Characteristics of Natural Secondary Forest on the Growth of the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis Soil carbon pool and fertility under natural evergreen broad-leaved forest and its artificial regeneration forests in Southern Sichuan Province STUDY ON FRACTAL FEATURES OF SOIL AGGREGATE STRUCTURE UNDER NATURAL EVERGREEN BR OADLEAVED FOREST AND ARTIFICIAL REGENERATION IN SOUTHERN SICHUAN PROVINCE Seasonal variation of soil nitrogen pools and microbes under natural evergreen broadleaved forest and its artificial regeneration forests in Southern Sichuan Province, China Plantation of Korean pine under secondary forest and its regulation Recovery and its Quantitative Expression of the Planted Young trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest Impacts of Litter on Soil in the Natural Evergreen Broadleaved Forests after Artificial Regeneration in Southern Sichuan

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