A Study on the Stem Sap Flow of Acacia mangium Measurement accuracy of Granier calibration based on transpiration of Platycladus orientalis. Sap Flow and Transpiring Water-consumption of Pinus sibirica in Differernt Diameter Classes Effect of leaf spot on the stem sap flow of Betula platyphylla Time lag characteristics of stem sap flow of common tree species during their growth season in Beijing downtown. Potential errors in measuring tree transpiration based on thermal dissipation method. Magnolia liliiflora whole-tree sap flow in response to multiple environmental variables in Beijing. Calibration coefficients of Granier original formula based on sap flow of Platycladus orientalis Development and Application of Thermal Methods in Measuring Stem Sap Flow Influence of trunk natural temperature gradient change on sap flow velocity measured with thermal dissipation method