Spatiotemporal dynamics of vegetation cover based on trajectory change detection: A case study in Dapeng Peninsula of Shenzhen. Land cover change detection using segment similarity of spectrum vector based on knowledge base Image analysis and community monitoring on coniferous forest dynamics in Changbai Mountain Research on methods for extracting change information of the fast-growing poplar in Dongting Lake Change detection of remote sensing images based on multiscale segmentation and decision tree algorithm over mountainous area: a case study in Panxi region,Sichuan Province Comparative analysis of land cover change detection in an Inner Mongolia grassland area A Forest Change Detection Model Based on Neighborhood Correlation Images and Decision Tree Classification LANDSCAPE CHANGES IN A DEGRADED SANDY LAND ECOSYSTEM—A CASE STUDY IN THE OTINDAG SANDY LAND, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA Monitoring sandy desertification of the Otindag Sandy Land based on multi-date remote sensing images

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