A long-term experiment on effect of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on distribution,accumulation and movement of NO3-N in soil Study on the Methods of Sample Collection and Keeping in Forest Soil NO3-N Determination Variations of Soil NH4-N, NO3-N and N Mineralization Under Different Forests in Xishuang-banna, Southwest China THE EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON THE NUTRIENT CONCENTRATIONS IN SOIL SOLUTION Effects of Cultivation Management Modes of the High-yield and Super-high-yield on Nitrogen Uptake and Distribution in Wheat and Accumulation of Soil NO3-N Relationship between accumulated NO3-N in soil profiles and apparent nitrogen budget in winter wheat fields under nitrogen fertilization Effects of delayed irrigation at jointing stage on nitrogen accumulation and its allocation, and NO3-N migration in wheat THE MOVEMENT AND LEACHING LOSS OF NO3-N IN PROFILE OF CHAO SOIL IN BEIJING

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