Soil Infiltration Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors under Phyllostachys edulis Forests in Northern Fujian Province ORDINATION ANALYSES OF 19 SPECIES OF BRYOPHYTA BASED ON SOD AND EST ISOZYMES Based on1H-NMR-PCA to establish a quality control method of Jie-ErYin Lotion Soil Nutrients and Microbial Functional Diversity of Different Stand Types in Qinghai Province Based on 1H-NMR-PR to establish an identification method ofOphiopogonis japonicusfrom different habitats A study on the comprehensive assessment of agro—ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Study 0ntheiIldex system of eco-agriculturalland evaluatiow-A csse studyfrom ShandongProvince Comparison of processed and crude Polygoni Multiflori Radix induced rat liver injury and screening for sensitive indicators Variation in Traits of Magnolia officinalis Seedlings from Different Provenances and Their Principal Component Analysis

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