CYTOCHEMISTRY OF ANTHER AND MICROSPORE DEVELOPMENT IN PHOTO-/THERMO-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE STUDY ON CHANGES OF PROTEIN IN ANTHERS OF PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE DURING PHOTOPERIODIC INDUCTION Microspore Abortion and Levels of Organic free Radicals in Anthers of Male-Sterile Rice Discussion on the Function and Specificity of the 60 kD Leaf Protein in Hubei Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Nongken 58S Differential Response of Floret Opening in Male-Sterile and Male-Fertile Rices to Methy Jasmonate Energy and Activated Oxygen Metabolisms in Anthers of Hubei Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Specific Proteins in Chloroplasts of Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice STUDIES ON RELATIONS BETWEEN FERTILITY TRANSFORMATION OF NONGKEN 58s AND IAA OXIDASE AND PEROXIDASE Analysis on Amino-Terminal Sequence and Purification of a 61 kD Protein from Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice Changes in Anther Microstructure of the Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Diurnal Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition of Rice Leaves with Chlorophyll Fluorescence In Vitro Culture of Different Explants from Hubei Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice THE MALE-STERILITY OF RICE AND ACCUMULATION OF LIPOFUSCIN-LIKE PIGMENTS IN ANTHERS CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES OF PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES IN HUBEI PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALESTERILE RICE AT THE STAGES OF PANICLE AND POLLEN DEVELOPMENT A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INDUCTION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHLOROPHYLL MUTANTS OF Indica TYPE TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE THE CHANGE OF THE CATIONIC PEROXIDASE IN THE LEAVES AT THE FERTILE TRANSFORMATION PERIOD IN HPGMR NONGKEN 58s Relationship Between the Rice Heading Sensitivity and the Male-Sterile Sensitivity to Photoperiod in View of Developmental Genetics Photoperiodic and Temperature Responses of a Japonic Photoperiod-sensitive Male-sterile Line 7001s and Their Effect on Fertility and Anther protein