Induction of mice death by toxicity components from large-dose Coreopsis tinctoria extract Search for proper dose of 60Co-γ ray in Actinidia chinensis radiation breeding Study on Seeding Survival and Medial Lethal Dose of Three Halophtes Irradiated by Electron Beam Acute Toxicity Analyses of Stellera chamaejasme Root in Mongolian Gerbils(Meriones unguiculatus) EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON SEED GERMINATION AND YOUNG SEEDLING GROWTH OF Lespedeza formosa SENSIBILITY OF DIFFERENT WHEAT VARIETIES(STRAINS) TO Ar~+ IMPLANTATION Irradiation Sensitivity of 6 Cultivars in Euphorbia pulcherrima CYTOLOGICAL EFFECT OF γ RADIATION ON vicia faba POLLEN Effect of sublethal dose of emamectin benzoate on growth and development of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) Acute toxicity studies on compatibility of “pinellia, trichosanthes, fritillaria, ampelopsis, bletilla attack aconitum” IRRADIATION SENSIBILITY OF DIFFERENT PROVENANCES OF Jatropha curcas L.Seeds A mini review on effects of sublethal doses of insecticides on the sex pheromone communication system of insects 两种亚致死剂量的农药对亚洲玉米螟化学通讯系统的干扰作用 SYSTEMIC ANALYSIS OF SUBLETHAL EFFECT OF INSECTICIDE ON PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA AND ITS PARASITOID DIADEGMA EUCEROPHAGA BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF TURF BAMBOO BY 137Cs γ-RAYS IRRADIATION Optimal processing technique of vinegar-processed Halite Violaceous Study on Killing Mouse of 30 Plants