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ecological water requirement
Estimation of forests‘ ecological water requirement based on agrometeorology:Taking Jinghe Watershed as an example
Primary estimate of ecological water requirement in Haihe Basin
Management-oriented ecological water requirement for wetlands in the Yellow River Delta
Ecological water requirements of vegetation in the middle reaches of Heihe River
Eco-hydrology-based calculation of the minimum ecological water requirement for lakes
Evaluation on ecological water requirement in the lower reaches of Tarim River based on groundwater restoration
Estimation of regional evapotranspiration and ecological water requirement of vegetation by remote sensing in the Yellow River Delta wetland
Reviews on calculating methods of vegetation ecological water requirement in arid and semiarid regions
Calculation methods of ecological water requirements for in-stream in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region
Calculation of ecological water requirements for in-stream in the Lancang River,Yunnan Province, China
Ecological water requirement estimation of the rump lake in an extreme arid region of East Juyanhai