The composition and change of particulate fatty acids during a diatom bloom in Jiaozhou Bay, China Spatial-temporal distribution of planktonic copepod in the Jiaozhou Bay Influence of point sources on heavy metal accumulation in different apartments of Jiaozhou Bay Chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size-fractionated composition in Jiaozhou Bay Causes and Consequences of Changes in Nutrient Structure in the Jiaozhou Bay Construction of a continuous trophic spectrum for the food web in jiaozhou bay using stable isotope analyses Parameter sensitivity analysis of a coupled biological-physical model in Jiaozhou Bay Prasinoxanthin-constaining Prasinophyceae Discovered in Jiaozhou Bay, China Analyses of the influence of wetland on local meteorological environment around Jiaozhou Bay of Qingdao Spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen in Jiaozhou Bay estuarine wetlands