Analysis of oat-straw salt ion accumulation and the potential for improvingsaline-alkali soils in coastal Hebei Province Effects of Canopy Interception on Water and Nutrient Cycling in the Chinese Fir Plantation Ecosystem Effects of salt stress on photosynthesis and ion accumulation patterns of Suaeda salsa under different habitats Adaptations of dimorphic seeds and seedlings of Suaeda salsa to saline environments Characteristics of ion accumulation and seed germination for seeds from plants cultured at different concentrations of nitrate nitrogen and salinity Physiological Responses of Zea mays Seedlings to Interactions Between Cadmium and Salinity The comparation on seedling emergence and salt tolerance of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats The effects of salinity and drought interaction on seed germination and seedling growth of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats Seedling emergence and salt tolerance of Suaeda physophora Pall. under salt stress Research advances in plant salt-tolerance mechanism