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soil nitrate
Research progress on collocation planting of crops for decreasing the loss of soil nitrate nitrogen through leaching
Effects of long-term fertilization modes on spatio-temporal distribution and accumulation of soil nitrate nitrogen in solar greenhouse
Effcet of N rates applied to summer maize on soil nitrate content during the following crop season and winter theat grain yield in Huang-Huai-Hai Plains
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer rate and ration of base and topdressing on yield of wheat, content of soil nitrate and nitrogen balance
Interactive effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen fertilizer recovery and nitrate-N movement across soil profile in a winter wheat field
Effect of nitrogen application time on dynamics of nitrate content and apparent nitrogen budget in the soil of summer maize fields
Effects of irrigation amount and nitrogen fertilization rate on wheat yield and soil nitrate content.
Effects of dairy effluents irrigation on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat and soil nitrate nitrogen
Effects of N fertilization on winter wheat grain yield and its crude protein content and apparent N losses
A comparison of the use of residual soil nitrate by winter wheat and alfalfa in the drylands of China’s Loess Plateau
Effect of intercropping three legume crops with maize on soil nitrate-N accumulation and distribution in the soil profile
Changes of Nitrate-N Accumulated in soil profile after changing grain crop land into vegetables land
Effects of nitrogen rate on nitrogen fertilizer use of winter wheat and content of soil nitrate-N under different fertility condition
Relationships between nitrogen application rate soil nitrate-nitrogen, plant nitrogen concentration and wheat scab
Effects of nitrogen management on maize nitrogen utilization and residual nitrate nitrogen in soil under maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay strip intercropping systems.