Mininucleolus: An Intranuclear Body Enriched with the Splicing Factor SC35 AtMGT7: An Arabidopsis Gene Encoding a Low-Affinity Magnesium Transporter Analysis of Identification and the Expression of Splicing Isoform BoKIN1-2 From CMS Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) EFFECTS OF RETROTRANSPOSONS INSERTION ON EUKARYOTE
Genetic Mapping and Analysis of a Chloroplast Division Mutant cpd111 in Arabidopsis thaliana Two hydroxypyruvate reductases encoded by OsHPR1 and OsHPR2 are involved in photorespiratory metabolism in rice Recent advances in plant membrane-bound transcription factor research: Emphasis on intracellular movement Researches on influence of squalene synthase gene polymorphism on catalytic efficiency of its encode enzyme in Glycyrrhiza uralensis A Mutation of OSOTP 51 Leads to Impairment of Photosystem I Complex Assembly and Serious Photo-damage in Rice Alternative Splicing and Differential Expression of Two Transcripts of Nicotine Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase B Gene from Zea mays, GAMETOPHYTIC FACTOR 1, Involved in Pre-mRNA Splicing, Is Essential for Megagametogenesis and Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis OsRRMh, a Spen-like Gene, Plays an Important Role during the Vegetative to Reproductive Transition in Rice Cloning,Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of IQM5.2 from Arabidopsis Gene Cloning and Alternative Splicing of CCoAOMT Subfamily Genes from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Alternative Splicing of Photoperiod Response Gene Ppd-B1 in Wheat Clone and Expression Analysis under Cold Stress of FeSOD Family Genes from the Wild Banana in Fuzhou Alternative splicing of flowering regulatory gene LFY in Arabidopsis thaliana

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