Discovery of Paratingia and Paratingiostachya from the Shanxi Formation of the Early Early Permian in the Wuda Area of Inner Mongolia, China Parasphenopteris Sun & Deng, a new genus from the Lower Permian of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China Discovery and Significance of the Genus Caulopteris from the Wuda Area of Inner Mongolia New Species of the Isolated Psaroniaceous Rachis from the Early Permian in China The Cathaysia Flora and the Mixed Late Permian Cathaysian-Angaran Floras in East Asia Trinerviopteris cardiophylla (Zhu et Geng) Zhu gen. et comb. nov. and the Classification of Gigantopterides Anatomically-preserved Lepidodendralean Plants from Permian Coal Balls of China: Sigillariopsis Scott Anatomical Structure of Leaf Cushion of Lepidodendron lepidophloides Yao Studies on the Genus Ullmannia from South China Studies on Two Palaeozoic Seeds from China Studies of Cuticle from Lepidophylloides sp. and Saportaea cf. nervosa Halle A New Species of Lepidodendroid Fructification -Achlamydocacpon sinensis A New Species of Araucarioxylon Kraus from the Early Early Permian, Nei Mongol, China A New Gleicheniaceous Fern Chansitheca (Sphenopteris) wudaensis from the Lower Permian of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China

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