作 者 :刘照光, 邱发英
期 刊 :植物生态学报 1986年 10卷 1期 页码:26-34
Keywords:Gongga mountainous region, Vegetation type,
摘 要 :贡嘎山位于青藏高原东南缘横断山系大雪山脉中段,主峰海拔高7556m。该地区有维管束植物185科,869属,约2500种。其植物区系特点为:区系成分起源古老;物种分化显著,特有种丰富;成分复杂,地理替代明显。贡嘎山主要植被类型有:冷杉、云杉组成的亚高山针叶林;松、铁杉组成的中山针叶林;松、杉、柏、油杉组成的低山针叶林;铁杉、桦木、槭树组成的针叶,阔叶混交林;樟、楠、阔楠、石栎,青冈等组成的常绿阔叶林;栎、桦、槭、杨、桤等组成的落叶阔叶林;高山栎类组成的硬叶常绿阔叶林;杜鹃、柳、圆柏等组成的高山灌丛;仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)、金合欢、羊蹄甲等组成的河谷灌丛;嵩草(Kobresia)、羊茅(Festuca ovina), 韭和风毛菊、绢毛菊、绵参(Eriophyton wallichii)等组成的高山草甸与高山流石滩稀疏植被。贡嘎山地区水平地带性植被为常绿阔叶林,它兼有我国亚热带东部和西部常绿阔叶林的特点。 贡嘎山东坡植被垂直带谱是:1.常绿阔叶林带,海拔1100—2200m。2.山地针叶、阔叶混交林带,2200—2500m。3.亚高山针叶林带,2500—3600m。4.高山灌丛草甸带,2600—4600m。5.高山流石滩稀疏植被带,4600—4900m。6.永久冰雪带,海拔4900m以上。贡嘎山西坡植被垂直带谱是:1.亚高山针叶林带,海拔2800一4000m。2.高山灌丛草甸带,4000—4800m。3.高山流右滩稀疏植被带,4800—5100m。4.永久冰雪带,海拔5100m以上。
Abstract:The Gongga Mountain is located on the southeast fringe of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, i. e. the middle part of the Great Snow Mountain Range of the Hengduan Mountain Ranges. The Gongga Mountainous region is situated in 29˚20′—30˚00′N. and 101˚30′—102˚10′E., with its main peak being 7556m above sea level. There are 2500 species of vascular plants belonging to 869 genera and 185 families in Gongga Mountainous region. The main floral characteristics of the Gongga Mountainous region are shown as the antiquity of the origin of the floristic composition; marked differentiation of species; abundant endemic species; complex composition and obvious geographical replacement phenomenon. The main vegetation types of the Gongga Mountains are: Subalpine conophorium of Abies, Picea; mid-mountain eonophorium of Pinus and Tsuga; low-mountain conophorium of Pinus, Cunninghamia, Cupressus, and Keteleeria; mixed wood of conophorium and broad-leaf forest of Tsuga, Acer and Betula; evergreen forest of Cinnamomum, Phoebe, Machilus, Lithocarpus and Cyclobalanopsis; deciduous broad-leaf forest of Quercus, Betula, Acer, Populus and Alnus; hard-leaf evergreen forest of Alpine-Quercus; alpine bush-wood of Rhododendron, Salix and Sabina; river-valley busy-wood of Acacia, Opuntia and Bunhinia; alpine meadow and “rock stream” sparse vegetation of Kobresia, Festuca, Allium, Saussurea, Soroseris, etc.The horizontal zones of vegetation in the Gongga Mountainous region is the aiphyllium with the characteristics of the east and west parts of subtropics in China.The vertical belts on the eastern slope are: 1. Evergreen broad-leaf forest belt at alt. 1100—2200m. 2. Coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forest belt at alt. 2200–2500m. 3. Subalpine coniferous forest belt at alt. 2500—3600m. 4. Alpine bush and coryphilum belt at alt. 3600–4600m. 5. Open vegetation belt of alpine “rock stream” belt at alt. 4600–4900m.6. Alpine nival belt at alt. 4900m.The vertical belts on the western slope are: 1. Subalpine coniferous forest belt at alt. 2800—4000m 2. Alpine bush and meadow belt at alt. 4000–4800m. 3. Open vegetation belt of alpine "rock stream" belt at alt. 4800—5100m. 4. Alpine nival belt at alt. 5100m.
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