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Relationship Between Growth Redundancy and Size Inequality in Spring Wheat Populations Mulched with Clear Plastic Film


增加有效分蘖数被认为是提高小麦(Triticum aestivum)产量的重要方法之一,但是小麦种群在生长进程中也会形成大量的无效分蘖,存在“生长冗余”。研究了覆膜栽培对两个春小麦种群中无效分蘖比率和收获指数的影响,并从植物个体大小不整齐性和生活史策略的种群生态学角度探讨其影响机制。与露地对照相比,覆膜栽培能显著提高春小麦产量(+38.5%);产量的提高源于地上部分生物量(+44.7%)的显著增加。但是, 覆膜种群的繁殖分配(穗重/地上部分生物量,-5.2%)和收获指数(-4.5%)显著降低;在几个主要生

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants normally produce tillers, many of which do not survive to produce grain-bearing spikes. Increasing the percentage of tillers that survive has hypothesized as an approach for increasing yield of wheat plants. This st