全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2005) 04-0354-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:杜文华 导师:曹致中
(甘肃农业大学草业学院,兰州 730070)
主要研究了播种行距,灌水量, N、P、K 肥施
用量, 植物生长延缓剂,微肥,干燥剂对甘农 3号
紫花苜蓿 (Medicago sat iva L. cv. Gannong No .
3) (下简称苜蓿)营养生长和生殖生长的影响, 及
1. 播种当年和第 2年, 不同行距和灌水量,
苜蓿的物候期和种子产量各异: 生长第 2年苜
蓿的生育期比播种当年提前 50~53 d。同一年份,
随着行距的增大, 生育期均相应提前; 播种当年
和第2年,行距 100 cm、灌水 900 m3 / hm2, 实际种
子产量最高, 分别为 501. 9和 1503. 26 kg/ hm2 ;
数/豆荚与表现种子产量呈极显著正相关, 花序数
2. N、P、K 对苜蓿营养生长和生殖生长的影
响各异: N、P、K 肥通过增加花序数/枝条、豆荚
以施肥量 47 kg N/ hm2、120 kg P2O5 / hm2 和 30
kg K 2O/ hm
2 , 实际种子产量最高; 在种子产量
3. CCC、PP 333和 EP 对苜蓿营养生长和生殖
生长的影响各异: 不同程度地抑制了营养生长,
促进生殖生长; PP 333对营养生长和生殖生长的
子产量; PP333主要通过增加豆荚数/花序和籽
4. 微肥对苜蓿营养生长和生殖生长的影响
各异: 播种当年和第 2年种子产量与微肥呈极
显著正相关; 0. 05%钼酸铵溶液对苜蓿营养生
千粒重促进生殖生长, 提高种子产量。
5. 干燥剂对苜蓿茎叶失水率、种子产量和发
芽率等的影响各异; MgClO4 的干燥效果最好, 种
子产量最高, K 2CO3 的干燥效果较好, 但对种子
6. 生长冗余是造成苜蓿种子产量降低的主
成大量生长冗余, 以致生殖生长得到的能量减少,
致使种子产量降低。生长第 2年苜蓿种子田最佳
种群结构的播种量为 2. 8 kg / hm 2,行距1. 0 m, 灌
水 900 m3 / hm 2, 施肥量为 47 kg N/ hm 2、120 kg
P2O 5/ hm
2、30 kg K 2O/ hm2。
关键词: 紫花苜蓿; 营养生长; 生殖生长; 生长冗余; 调控
中图分类号: S541 文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2005年 4月
收稿日期: 2005-07-19; 修回日期: 2005-08-30
基金项目: 农业部寒旱生苜蓿原种基地建设项目;科技部奶业专项( 2002BA518A03)
作者简介: 杜文华( 1968-) ,女,农学博士,研究方向为牧草草坪草育种及栽培, E-mail: duw h@ gsau . edu. cn
导师简介: 曹致中( 1945-) ,男,教授,研究方向为牧草种质资源及育种, E-m ail : caozz@ gsau . edu. cn
第 13卷 第 4期
Vo l. 13 No . 4
草 地 学 报
2005年 12 月
Dec. 2005
Regulating Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L. ) Vegetative and Reproductive Growth
Candidate: DU Wen-hua Adviso r: Cao Zhi-zhong
( College of Grasslan d S cience, Gan su Agricu lture Un ivers ity , Lanzhou , Gan su Provin ce 730070, Chin a)
Fr om 2003 through 2004, w e studied the influence of row spacing , irr ig ation rate, fert ilizer applying r ate
( including N, P , K and micronutrients) , plant g row th regulator , and dry ing agent on the vegetat ive and repro-
duct ive g row th of Gannong No. 3 alfal fa (Medicago sativ a L. cv. Gannong No. 3) and al falfa populat ion growth
redundancy. The following conclusions are reached:
1. With different row spacing and irrigat ion r ate, alfalfa of one-year or tw o-year gr ow th show ed variant
pheno logy and produced different amount o f seed yield. ( 1) Compared to plants of the f irst year, the second-
year alfalfa shor tened its g row ing period 50~53 days. With w idened r ow space, alfalfa sow ed in the same year
pr eceded their normal g row ing stages. ( 2) Alfalfa of f ir st and second year g row th, planted w ith 100 cm row
space and an ir rigat ion rate of 900 m
3 / hm
2 , produced the highest actual seed y ield of 501. 9 kg / hm
and 1503. 26
kg/ hm2 , respect ively . ( 3) Row spacing and irrigat ion rate inf luenced the alfalfa seed yield components dif fer-
ent ly. Among the components, the rate o f pods/ f loret , and of seeds/ pod posit ively correlated w ith desirable
seed yield at a 0. 01 level, while the rate of flor ets/ shoot po sit iv ely corr elated w ith actual seed yield at a 0. 05
2. N, P, and K fert il izer s had different ef fects on the vegetat iv e and reproduct ive g row th o f alfal fa. ( 1)
When fert ilizer -applying rate w as 47 kg N/ hm
, 120 kg P 2O 5/ hm
, and 30 kg K 2O/ hm
, the alfalfa populat ion
w ould be in the best condit ion and gar ner the highest actual seed yield. ( 2) A mong the seed y ield components,
the rate of seeds/ pod, and of pods/ f loret posit ively co rrelated w ith desirable seed yield at a 0. 01 level.
3. PP 333, CCC, and EP had different ef fects on the vegetat iv e and reproduct ive g row th of alfalfa. ( 1) All
thr ee retarded the legumes vegetative grow th, but accelerated its reproduct ive g row th. ( 2) PP333 could regu-
late the vegetat iv e and repr oduct ive gr ow th appropriately . It r etarded al falfas v egetat ive grow th by reducing
its aboveg round and undergr ound biomass, allo cated the energy to the r eproduct iv e part , thus raising the re-
product ive r at io , the harvest index, and seed yield. ( 3) PP 333 augmented the seed y ield by incr easing the rate of
pods/ floret and seeds/ pod.
4. Dif ferent micronutrients had dif ferent effects on the vegetat ive and reproductive growth of alfalfa. ( 1)
Actual seed yield o f alfal fa of the first and the second year posit ively correlated at a 0. 01 level . ( 2) For mi-
cronutrients, 0. 05% ( NH4 ) 6 M o7O 24·4H2O was an opt imal choice. It raised the seed yield by increasing the
rate of f lorets/ shoot , pods/ flor et , seeds/ pod, and the thousand-seed w eight .
5. Dr ying agents had dif ferent ef fects on the rat io of stem and leaf water ev aporat ion, on the seed y ield,
and the seed germination rate. Among the three drying agents, M gCIO4 was the most ef fect ive, as the highest
seed y ield w as accrued under the t reatment . K 2CO 3 had bet ter dr ying effect , though it had some negat ive effect
on the seed germination r ate.
6. Low seed yield o f alfalfa w as mainly caused by redundant g row th. ( 1) Growth redundancy occur red
when the limited energ y w as dist ributed to increase the vegetat ive grow th. Inev itably, energ y for the reproduc-
tiv e growth decreased, cur tailing the seed yield. ( 2) For the second year alfalfa, opt imal management measures
w er e: a sow ing rate of 2. 8 kg / hm2 , 100 cm r ow space, an irrigat ion rate of 900 m3 / hm2 , and a fert ilizer-apply-
ing rate of 47 kg N/ hm
, 120 kg P 2O 5 / hm
, and 30 kg K 2O/ hm
Key words : Alfalfa; Vegetat ive g row th; Reproduct ive gr ow th; Grow th redundancy; Regulat ion
355第 4期 杜文华:紫花苜蓿营养生长与生殖生长的调控