作 者 :刘琪璟, 胡理乐, 李轩然
期 刊 :植物生态学报 2005年 29卷 5期 页码:766-774
Keywords:Plant diversity, Small watershed treatment, Forest community types, Plantation,
摘 要 :研究了小流域治理20年后千烟洲植物α多样性和β多样性,结果如下:1)优势度:所 有人工林乔、灌、草3层均以乔木层优势度最大,且乔木层优势度均大于天然次生林和枫香 (Liquidambar formosana)林,而所有天然次生林及枫香林均以乔木层优势度最小。12种类型群落灌木层优势度都较小,均值仅0.17。草本层,白茅(Imperata cylindrica var. major)草丛和木(Loropetalum chinense)疏花雀麦(Bromus remotiflorus )灌丛优势度较大 ,分别为0.53和0.51。2)多样性:从乔、灌、草3层比较,枫香林、天然马尾松(Pinu s m assoniana)林以乔木层最大,其它群落以灌木层最大,而所有人工林以乔木层最低。乔木层中枫香林最高(2.61);灌木层和草本层多样性存在相似之处:马尾松 + 湿地松(Pinus elli ot tii)林最高,除马尾松+山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba)林、板栗(Castanea mollissima )+枫香林外, 其它人工林多样性均高于天然次生林和枫香林。3)丰富度:各群落均以灌木层最大;枫香林 乔木层和灌木层种类丰富度均很高,但草本层很低;天然次生林乔木层丰富度指数大于人工 林。4)均匀度:从灌、草层比较,除木疏花雀麦灌丛和白茅草丛外,其它群落草本层均匀度均大于灌木层。乔木层,板栗+枫香林和马尾松+山鸡椒林均匀度指数很大,大于0.76, 其它人工林均匀度小于天然次生林和枫香林。灌木层,除板栗+枫香林外,其它人工林均匀度都大于天然次生林和枫香林。5) β多样性与α多样性相互补充,很好地反映了不同群落类型之间的差异。β多样性将12种类型群落分成3大类,草丛、灌丛、具乔木层的群落,其中草丛与其它类型群落相异性最大。枫香林是位于人工林与天然次生林之间的过渡类型。
Abstract:The species diversity of a small watershed was investigated following 20 years treatments. Our results showed that the species dominance index of the upper forest canopy layer was higher than other layers and was higher in the artificial forests than that in secondary forests and Liquidambar formosana stands. As a whole, the dominance index for the shrub layer of the 12 communities investigated was small, averaging 0.17. For the herb layer, the dominance index was high in the Ass. Imperata cylindrica var. major community (0.53) and the Ass. Loropetalum chinense _Bromus remotiflorus community (0.51). The species diversity index was high in the canopy layer of the L. formosana forest and natural Pinus massoniana forest but was low in other communities and, in particular, was lowest in the artificial forests. For the canopy layer, the species diversity index was the highest in the L. formosana forest (2.61). A similar trend was found in the subcanopy layers with the highest value found in the P. massoniana + P. elliottii forest. Also, the species diversity index was higher in the artificial forests than that in the secondary forests except for the P. massoniana + Lits ea cubeba and Castanea mollissima+ L. formosana forests. The richness index was the highest in the shrub layer for all communities and was similarly high in both the canopy and herb layers as the shrub layer in the L. formosana forests. The richness index was higher in secondary forests than that in artificial forests. The evenness index or uniformity index in the herb layer was higher than that in the shrub layer except for the Ass. Ldoropetalum chinense_Bromus remotiflorus and Ass. I. cylindrica var. major stands. For the canopy layer, evenness was as high as 0.76 in the Ass. C. mollissima + L. formosana and Ass. P. massoniana + L. cubeba stands whereas other artificial forests had lower values than that in secondary forests and L. formosana stands. In the shrub layer, evenness was the highest in the artificial forests except for the Castanea+ Liquidambar forest. The diversity indices showed large differences between the shrub layer and other communities, and the L. formosana forest showed properties that can be considered atransitionaltype between artificial and secondary forests.