Changes of grassland ecosystem due to degradation of permafrost frozen soil in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effects of soil Na content on plant diversity and dominance in the wetland of the Hangzhou Bay Effects of single and mixed host plants on Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B adults Study on the Resources of Wild Flower in Qingyunshan Landscape and Scenic Area Effect of the Close-to-Nature Transformation of Larix gmelinii Pure Stands on Plant Diversity of Understory Vegetation in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of China The Application of Metabarcoding Technology in Identification of Plant Species Diversity Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Plant Diversity of Artemisia frigida Community in Inner Mongolia Steppe Plant diversity in field margin systems in the hilly regions of northern Henan Influence of plant diversity by Amomum tsao-ko(Zingiberaceae)plantation Characterication of construction and functions of Vitex rotundifolia var.simplicifolia community during the process of desertification in Poyang Lake Synecological studies on the semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest in Huajiaoyuan Nature Reserve, Chuxiong, Yunnan Studies on flora of seed plants in Xialei Natural Reserve, Guangxi The Litter of Chinese Fir Ecological Public-Welfare Forest in Zhejiang Province and Its Relationship with Plant Diversity Effects of Thinning on the Growth and the Diversity of Undergrowth of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation in Beijing Mountainous Areas Effects of Roadside Slope Gradient on Plant Diversity during Revegetation A DISCUSSION ON PLANT DIVERSITY OF TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FORESTS IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY OF THE ISLAND FOREST IN A MARSH IN THE SANJIANG PLAIN, CHINA Correlation on plant diversity indices and soil physical and chemical indicators of karst natural forest, Southern Guizhou Province, China Relationships between riparian vegetation and shoreline hardness for urban rivers: a case study in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province Plant diversity and soil physical-chemical properties in karst rocky desertification ecosystem of Guizhou, China Plant taxonomic diversity in Yellow River Wetland in Pinglu, Shanxi Effects of root interactions on the response of maize and potato to heterogeneous nitrogen Diversity and priority conservation graded wetland vascular plants in Beijing Plant diversity of trampling disturbance Kobresia humilis community in Naqu, Tibet The litter of Pinus massoniana ecological public-welfare forest in Zhejiang Province and its relationship with the community characters The change of plant diversity during natural recovery process of vegetation in Ziwuling area Plant Species Diversity and Its Seasonal Dynamics in Woodland Invaded by Solidago canadensis(Asteraceae) Plant Diversity of Sphagnum Mire at Qizimei Mountains in Western Hubei Province Effects of soil base cation composition on plant distribution and diversity in coastal wetlands of Hangzhou Bay, East China Plant Diversity of Different Land Use Stages of Agrobiodiversity Assessment (ABA) at Landscape Level-Case Studies of Daka and Baka Villagees, Xishuangbanna On Microclimate Edge Effects of Tropical Rainforest Fragments in Xishuangbanna Plant Diversity Along a Time Sequence(1-30 Years) of Artificial Forest Rehabilitation on Subalpine Cut Land in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Overyielding of fine root biomass as increasing plant species richness in subtropical forests in central southern China Species abundance patterns of supratidal sandy grassland along China’s Shandong Peninsula and their responses to human disturbances Plant diversity and seasonal dynamics in forest gaps of varying sizes in Pinus massoniana plantations Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effects Planting in Swamp-Forest in Daxing‘an Mountains STUDY ON PLANT DIVERSITY OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA AND POPULUS DAVIDIANA FORESTS IN FOREST-STEPPE ECOTONE PLANT DIVERSITY IN QIANYANZHOU AFTER 20 YEARS OF SMALL WATERSHED TREATMENT A STUDY ON PLANT DIVERSITY OF TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FORESTS IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN Plant Diversity Distribution of Mountains in Rural Landscapes£othe Combined Influences of Topography and Land Use Relationship between plant communities, characters, soil physical and chemical properties, and soil microbiology in alpine meadows Plant Diversity in the Process of Succession of Artificial Vegetation types and Environment in an Arid Desert Region of China Effects of coal mining subsidence on vegetation composition and plant diversity in Semi\|Arid Region Plant diversity and its elevational gradient patterns in Mengshan Mountain, Shandong, China Effects of disturbanceby tourism on plant diversity in Lishan subalpine meadow, Shanxi Province Plant diversity in the six evergreen broad-leaved forest fragments in East China Response of plant diversity and productivity to soil resources changing under grazing disturbance on an alpine meadow Plant community structure and soil moisture in the semi-arid natural grassland of the Loess Plateau The response of grassland plant diversity to soil factors under grazing disturbance STUDIES ON PLANT DIVERSITY AND PRESENT SITUATION OF CONSERVATION IN SHENNONGJIA BIOSPHERE RESERVE, HUBEI, CHINA Plant biodiversity of Aretemisia frigida communities on degraded grasslands under different grazing intensities after thirteen-year enclosure Influence of fire on stands of Pinus massoniana in a karst mountain area of central Guizhou province Effect of Introducing Biennial Legume Species,Melilotus officinalis,on Plant Community in the Early Stage of Vegetation Succession and Soil Nutrients in the Semiarid Loess Plateau of China The influence of disturbance on community structure and plant diversity of alpine meadow Study on diversity of seed plants from Niubeiliang Nature Reserve Effects of different years of planting Pennisetum sp. on the plant and insect diversity in Pennisetum sp. communities. Plant diversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in alpine meadows in the Three River Headwater Region, China Natural succession and evolution of structural characteristics of forest community in Ziwuling area on the Loess Plateau Comparative study on plant diversity of Xiaonanshan and Yingrenshi Mountain area in Shenzhen, China Study on aquatic plant diversity changes in Caohai plateau wetland Composition and Diversity Analysis of Natural-Community Plants in the Loess Hilly Region Effects of nitrogen and water addition on plant species diversity and biomass of common species in the Stipa baicalensis Steppe, Inner Mongolia, China Response of Leymus Chinensis grassland to situ-vibration scarifying technique On the General Characteristics of Plant Diversity of Gurbantunggut Sandy Desert Floristic Diversity of Major Forest Communities in Zengcheng City,Guangdong Province Relationship between Plant Diversity and Environment of Picea schrenkiana var.tianshanica Forest before and after Canopy Disturbances Influence of Soil Water Content on Vegetation Characteristics in Desert-Wetland Ecosystem in Xihu of Dunhuang,Gansu Seed Plant Diversity on Screes from Northwest Yunnan Effect of Soil Salinization on the Plant Diversity of Leymus chinensis Grassland Effect of Litter on the Characteristics of Plant Community in Hongsongwa Mountain Meadow The Effects of Natural Grazing Intensity on Plant Community and Soil Nutrients in Alpine Meadow Response of Plant Diversity and Soil Nutrient to Grazing Intensity in Kobresia pygmaea Meadow of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Effects of different recover and restoration measures on plant diversity and soil fertility for serious degradation ecosystem The Spatial Patterns of Species Diversity of Seed Plants and Its Differentiation in Yunnan, China Situation and Strategy of Biodiversity Conservation in the Houhe National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province, China Ⅰ.Situation and Study of Biodiversity Study on Plant Diversity of Duheyuan Nature Reserve on the Northern Slope of Mt.Shennongjia,Hubei,China Current Status and Conservation Strategies of Endangered Plants from Shanghai, China The Studies on the Plant Diversity of Natural Grassland in Hilly Region of the Loess Plateau in Gansu Eastern Plant Diversity and Disturbance on the Rhododendron Shrub Grassland of Eastern Qilian Mountains Plant Conservation in the Future: New Challenges, New Opportunities

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