研究了在盐胁迫下CO2浓度加倍对春小麦(Triticum aestivum)青323光合色素含量和一些光合功能的影响。结果表明,盐胁迫降低春小麦叶片单位鲜重叶绿素(Chl)和类胡萝卜素(Car)的含量、叶绿体对光能的吸收能力,Mg2+对两个光系统(PSⅡ和PSⅠ)之间激发能分配的调节能力,以及荧光猝灭速率(△FV/T)。然而,CO2加倍有提高上述各参数的作用,表明高CO2浓度能减轻盐胁迫对光合功能的不利效应。
Effects of doubled CO2 on the content of photosynthetic pigments and some photosynthetic functions of spring wheat under salt stress were studied. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content per unit fresh weight of leaves and the capacity of light energy absorption of chloroplasts containing equal chlorophyll were reduced by salt stress, as were the fluorescence quenching rate (△Fv/T) and the capacity of excitation energy distribution between PS Ⅱ and PS Ⅰ regulated Mg2+. However, these parameters all increased in the presence of doubled CO2. The results indicated that the unfavourable effects of salt stress on photosynthetic functions could be alleviated by high CO2 concentration.
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